18 years isn’t long enough
Club president.
18 years isn’t long enough
Reddit was cool. Reddit management had Head Up Ass Syndrome, though. Reminds me of some other social sites too lol.
I bet they misread “while people” as “white people” and then went off on that. So… basically telling us all they don’t know how to read.
Ice cream can’t take a joke these days. Just starts melting down and turning into a puddle at the slightest provocation. Soft.
Time to abandon the family and start a new one
Hurr hurr vegans are an easy target, I get it. In fact, I enjoy making fun of them as much as anyone else.
It’s actually blowing my mind that so many people actually seem completely illiterate and keep bringing up the vegan thing instead of looking at the real issue: LW mods admins doing whatever they want, then changing the rules to justify their behavior, then today releasing a nothingburger statement patting themselves on the back about the whole thing.
I get that they don’t want to fire someone over a one time issue, but maybe tell the guy to stfu and just work on coding things instead of interacting with the community?
At least for me, all my friends got married and vanished to another dimension when we were in our mid 20s
Basic computer usage skill level does seem to be in decline, doesn’t it lol.
The torrent was titled as .mkv (normal and expected) but the actual file was .lnk (not normal)… so you would have had to open a weird random .lnk file to activate the trojan?
Ask Frieren to do it for you
Damn it gramgram
Instructions unclear, penis now trapped in peanut butter jar
It’s a corporate version of “it’s just a prank bro”
The single most thing
What’s with the recent traction for the Mr Beast hate train? There have been a few posts lately talking about how bad this guy is.
Futanari maid service
Looks at post title
They had us in the first half, not gonna lie.
.ml are outwardly and proudly tankie weirdo fuckfaces, doesn’t suprise me at all to see them do something like this where the intent is to concentrate all political talk into a more easily controlled community.
edit: I was banned for 6 months from .ml lol
I wonder if it was because I called them weirdos
Like at least a hundred million billion years ago