Hang in there! I’m a teacher and we just had our last day yesterday. Summer break is right around the corner!
Hang in there! I’m a teacher and we just had our last day yesterday. Summer break is right around the corner!
I have a sneaking suspicion that there are more than a few Chinese EV companies with flimsy finances or finances that are propped up by the state. The growth of the Chinese auto industry just stinks of artificial growth through government patronage to me.
It’s one of the fascinating paradoxes of education that the more you teach to standardized tests, the worse test results tend to be. Improved test scores are a byproduct of strong teaching - they shouldn’t be the only focus.
Teaching is every bit as much an art as it is a science and straight-jacketing teachers with canned curricula only results in worse test scores and a deteriorated school experience for students. I don’t understand how there are admins out there that still operate like this. The failures of No Child Left Behind mean we’ve known this for at least a decade.
I would never accept a student’s use of Wikipedia as a source. However, it’s a great place to go initially to get to grips with a topic quickly. Then you can start to dig into different primary and secondary sources.
Chat GPT is the same. I would never use the content it makes without verifying that content first.
This is why I read through everything I use to make sure it’s accurate.
This should be the standard response to the “free speech” screechers. Free speech to say what, motherfuckers?
And don’t let them dodge the question. If they don’t answer with specifics then you know exactly what they want “free speech” for.
I should also add that I fully inform students and administrators that I’m using AI. Whenever I use an assessment that is created with AI I indicate with a little “Created with ChatGPT” tag. As a history teacher I’m a big believer in citing sources :)
High school history teacher here. It’s changed how I do assessments. I’ve used it to rewrite all of the multiple choice/short answer assessments that I do. Being able to quickly create different versions of an assessment has helped me limit instances of cheating, but also to quickly create modified versions for students who require that (due to IEPs or whatever).
The cool thing that I’ve been using it for is to create different types of assessments that I simply didn’t have the time or resources to create myself. For instance, I’ll have it generate a writing passage making a historical argument, but I’ll have AI make the argument inaccurate or incorrectly use evidence, etc. The students have to refute, support, or modify the passage.
Due to the risk of inaccuracies and hallucination I always 100% verify any AI generated piece that I use in class. But it’s been a game changer for me in education.
Yes. These are growing pains. That’s a good thing.
I do think there were financial backers of Elon’s that are hoping to kill certain online platforms and see Elon as a useful idiot, though. I’m thinking specifically of people like Thiel and the Saudis
Honest question here, would you purchase your Tesla again? I’m in the market for a new car and am really considering an EV. The problem is, I need something with some utility, such as a Model Y, a Rivian, or an F150 Lightning.
The Rivian and the Lightning are out of my price range. The Model Y is more affordable. But I have reservations about Tesla both from a quality control standpoint and from a social standpoint (it being a Musk company).
I’m no industry expert, but I’d assume there’s also a shortage of other things necessary for a chip fab as well. Machining, component parts, etc. It’s not just the chip fab but also the local supply lines and economic infrastructure. That all has to be established from the ground up in AZ whereas it already exists in Asian locales like Taiwan, Korea, and China. Economist Noah Smith has been hammering about this for a while - he calls these network effects “agglomeration”
Antennae are such a neat feature that I have yet to play around with.
Agreed. I just wish they had native mobile apps. The PWA on iPhone is good, but not as snappy as a native app. The design otherwise is soooo nice.
Is Firefish the new Calckey rebrand?
FYI, you can also do this on a per app basis via the control menu
I get why that matters for big accounts. I will never understand why normal people prefer that, though. I much prefer engagement with people over consumption of content produced by popular influencers
Awesome! Choice and toggle options are always good :)
Very interesting take on thread browsing! I’m not sure if I caught it in the video, but do you have to click on the parent comment to view the children comments in the breakout viewer? Or can you still view threads like normal (Apollo style, if you will).
I’d prefer a both/and approach. Perhaps Apollo-style as the default with the ability to pop out a thread (as you’ve done here) if I really want to zero in on it.
Really great work. I’ll be following this closely
Overall seems like a pretty balanced board. Al Shafei and Bezuidenhout have backgrounds aligned with the type of Mastodon I want to see. The lawyer guy dabbles in crypto law, but also did tons of pro bono work for Mastodon. Seems to me like he’s just passionate about emerging tech. Biz Stone is also an interesting inclusion. He’s obviously well connected to the VC space but has been pretty critical of Elon Twitter.