I guess you only use the standard Nextcloud photo app, not Memories. It is very comparable to the features you describe + if you have already set up your Nextcloud, there is no need to work with yet another software on your server.
I guess you only use the standard Nextcloud photo app, not Memories. It is very comparable to the features you describe + if you have already set up your Nextcloud, there is no need to work with yet another software on your server.
Memories also uses automatic tagging, so searching for tent and beach would probably get you the same result. But I guess they are not using the best recognition software, I get a few missinterpretations here and there. (My marzipan potatoe with googly eyes is not an ‘Instrument’. But I guess it’s a challange for any software)
Cloudflare scares me, they have way too much power. Maybe look for alternatives instead. Best case they are not from the USA, their demand for privacy and security is going down the drain faster than you can blink.
No special process, I installed Memories as admin on my Nextcloud, pointed it to my Picture-folder and my Smartphone-Uploadfolder, and made sure I had the other Apps as recommended here installed (e.g. ‘Photos’ to use albums and ‘Recognize’ for automatic face tagging)
The Memories-App on the Smartphone is also neat. And it is available on F-Droid.
My picture folder contains 1,4 TB of data, with many RAW-files and some Videos. Memories is handling that without a problem. I especially like the way it handles RAW-files, by grouping them together with the fitting JPEG.
I don’t know about how ressource heavy it is, but my server is really nothing special.
Features I like and use:
If you already use Nextcloud, try the Memorie-Extension. It has all the features of Immich. The tagging-feature for faces has been there for at least the year I am using it now.
I love the additional freedom too.
For me there weren’t even problems with nasty banking apps, all apps from three german banks are working normal.
For all people reading this: there are zero privacy-based limitations with GrapheneOS.
Oh boy, he said pal, I think you are in trouble, mister.
On-street parking can be very dangerous for bicyclerider (doorings accidents), the people getting out of their car on the street and for people wanting to cross the road, as they can’t be seen well between parked cars - espacially children. And it takes space away that could be used for real bike lanes and wide enough side walks.
If people want to own a car, they should park it on their property. If they don’t have space for it, they shouldn’t (have to) own a car.
Charging the residents to park on the side doesn’t work well, it is often way to cheap, compared to the luxury car owners get.
Isn’t the movie Hancock a bit in this direction?
I like to think that he forgets, keeps trying and then makes a new post about it
Then you can use jesus to convert the water component again and repeat the process.
I have a cheap knock off jesus from Alibaba and even he can turn wine into winier wine, if you tell him that it’s just red water. Maybe you are using your jesus wrong?
Nice. I felt the same way a few years ago and changed everything over 2 years. Best decision ever (besides having a child, that was a great decision as well.)
Can’t get any more GNU/Linux than that, nice.
I started with 30, so not far off. My first step was to try to daily drive Linux. Best decision ever, working with a computer suddenly was fun and exciting again.
It is safer in the sense that, when you selfhost, you have to take care of your own backups. You have to make sure your data is still there, even if two hard drives fail, or your house catches fire and your server burns down. Hertzner is doing that for you.
But you are right of course, from a privacy standpoint it would be much better to have your data on your own server and only send encrypted backups to a remote server like Hertzner.
Here is how I (noobinoob) built my own Nextcloud-Server
Hardware: I took the old PC from my aunt, no idea about the specs. Added 4 x 8 TB NAS HDD drives and removed the graphics card, the onboard graphic from the CPU was enough. No raid-controller, just connected the hard drives to the motherboard. In future I can add a PCI-Card with more SATA-ports.
Software: I installed Linux Debian, put my 4 HDD drives in a btrfs-raid1 pool, encrypted them with LUCS, installed dropbear to ssh into my server when it is not started and unlocked yet, installed ddclient to update my domain with my home-IP and followed most (not all) of this guide to install nextcloud. Unfortunately, it is in german, but there are plenty of english intructions out there.
internet-stuff: I bought a domain (10 Euro/year) and set up DynDNS. I opened the neccessary ports on my router/firewall.
I had to look up a lot of things and failed many many times, but now it works and I am very happy with it - no downtime in the last year. It took about 6-12 months to get there.
In conclusion: Your way (nextcloud on hetzner) is the much better way. You save time and money and your data is more secure.
But if you want to learn a lot of new stuff, building your own server is fun.
It would be easy to unlock the devices for different Software - like ugreen does.
And imagine all the possible backdoors in their software. No one can check, because it is closed source. And this on a device with your most senisble data.
Calling their acting ‘responsible’ is a huuuge strech.
I installed the version from F-Droid-Store, Version 0.6-something. The main problem for me was, that you couldn’t download single songs, only complete albums - and I gave up on the App.
This post made me install the 0.9-beta-APK (directly from github), and it already fullfills all my wishes, you can download single songs now! And I love that you can filter for your favorites and download them all at once. Really looking forward to further process, it’s so promissing.