Why can’t people just BE NICE to the Billionaire Illegal Immigrant Taking ALL our Jobs?
Why can’t people just BE NICE to the Billionaire Illegal Immigrant Taking ALL our Jobs?
This is going to Help with that PESKY H1-B Visa problem!
Keep at it TRUMP! Pretty soon you’re going to get a REALLY MEAN LETTER that someone will HAVE to read to You!
PLEASE be Nice to this Women! She thought only TRANS KIDS would be Harmed and NOT White people! She was TAKEN ADVANTAGE of!
And as Trump has shown us the Supreme Court has LOTS of Teeth so you BETTER listen to them!
But Trump, the Convicted Felon under multiple Investigations for Lying, TOLD me he would Protect the Working Class!
I don’t CARE if Trump Jails my Wife or Kills my Parents! I LIKE his Family Values! And by Family Values I mean Raping Women and Children and KILLING Trans Kids! THATS the ONLY Family Values I care about!
-Republicans trying to Save The Children!
Why is this News? Of COURSE Republicans want to Tax The Rich! But they would Rather DIE then to Vote for ANYONE OTHER then a Republican!
If Elon Musk was ALSO the President this would be a HUGE conflict of Interest! But Fox News told me this is OK so as a Free Thinking Republican I think this is FINE!
This is a FANTASTIC Strategy! Lawmakers can ASK for DONATIONS while CONSTITUENTS fight for their Rights!
I voted for Trump because he said he would AVOID a Recession! And I’m TOTALLY ON BOARD with a Recession NOW because I think for Myself!
Uh oh! This Judge sounds PISSED! SOON Trump is going to get a STERNLY WRITTEN LETTER! And if they DEFY that? OH Boy! ANOTHER letter will be on the way!
He needs a Pardon STAT!
Why are they upset? They LITERALLY Voted for this!
The woman who refused to against what a Man said would have made a STRONG Leader!
Trump better be CAREFUL! Otherwise the Judges MIGHT send him an ANGRY letter that someone will have to Read to him!
This is SO STRANGE to me! You mean that a DEMOCRAT that ALL REPUBLICANS WOULD LIKE TO PUNCH Still don’t like him after he threw his ENTIRE BASE under the Bus? That’s INSANE! I think he needs to go FURTHER RIGHT if he hopes to pick up the Republican AND Democrat Vote!
If kids want to Eat they should GET A JOB! Also DRAG QUEENS are Destroying Our Children! And RAINBOWS!
He better be CAREFUL! If he KEEPS defying these Judges they MIGHT send him a STRONG LETTER! Once he READS it he’ll be VERY scared!
This is ALSO how we KNOW Trump is INNOCENT! Because he was Found GUILTY and only INNOCENT people are found GUILTY!