So many APKs…
So many APKs…
What the fuck.
Lol, tell me you don’t know anything about Linux without telling me you don’t know anything about Linux.
Thank you so much. We’ve incredibly managed to raise £3,800, and Bernie is going to a specialist tomorrow. We’re hoping he can have the procedure there and then, but we think they want to do some imaging first.
I just want him better and home!
If anyone has visited the page, they will have seen that the situation here is that we’re raising funds for a procedure that will give Bernie an additional opening to urinate from. It’s a straightforward procedure, and it’s not a question about spending money for him to potentially suffer more. The money spent is to prevent him experiencing further blockages, which is what cause the pain and potential kidney failure, which can result in death. That’s why this is a life-saving surgery.
What? What are you saying right now?
Are you trying to tell me that because there are plenty more cats in shelters, that I should just let my boy die?
What’s wrong with you?
Could you explain what you mean by Grammarly being a privacy nightmare?
Rocket didn’t die.