Alternatively, a sock over the far end, so when they try to catch/grab the bat, you can just pull it out and maintain control of the situation
Alternatively, a sock over the far end, so when they try to catch/grab the bat, you can just pull it out and maintain control of the situation
Ok but this isn’t what I voted for last November and I’m quickly running out of reasons to vote ever again until these dumb fucks actually do something to oppose him. Might as well let the fascists have all the seats, the Dems only apparent purpose right now is to further legitimize trumps unconstitutionality.
Gonna get half life 3 first 💀
There’s also “hide this post” and “hide all viewed posts” but you have to actually click on them ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I gotchu these stats come from the 2012 & 2014 PIAAC, or Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (only done every 10 years so this is the latest data available but the next cycle/data set is coming soon)
18% are below level one, defined as;
The tasks at this level require the respondent to read brief texts on familiar topics to locate a single piece of specific information. There is seldom any competing information in the text, and the requested information is identical in form to information in the question or directive. The respondent may be required to locate information in short continuous texts; however, in this case, the information can be located as if the text were noncontinuous in format. Only basic vocabulary knowledge is required, and the reader is not required to understand the structure of sentences or paragraphs or make use of other text features. Tasks below Level 1 do not make use of any features specific to digital texts.
With 4% of those being actually entirely illiterate
Better than using his clip, here’s her describing it in her own words
Legit, I’ve used why wife as a honest detector for mechanics, ended up finding a mechanic for life (he had the chance to quote us to replace half used brakes way too early and instead was honest and just blew the dust off for free, told us it wasn’t necessary)
There’s enough questionable and suspect evidence that an investigation is warranted. If nothing else, it will put the question to rest. The American people deserve a through investigation.
As a Minnesotan, I’m worried this will alienate him from the state constituency and we’ll lose him (and then he’ll lose the presidential election cause Minnesota luck)
Instead I have to make aggressive snarky comments with slurs because I have to engage and create rage bait, due to my social media induced rate addiction
The state calls its own violence law, but that of the individual, crime.
Max Stirner
It’s all hero worship, our civic tradition is (unintentionally?) very heavily based on The Great Man concept, Washington crossed the Potomac, not the people in the army, MLK won the right for civil rights, not the thousands of people working together for decades, etc etc
Luigi will save us (no, it will take all of us)
I just started that book like a week ago, Even just the first couple pages and it was like “oh… oh no”, even got the meta verse in there
Literally Snow Crash, each burb is a independent corpocity state
They tried a couple times but people just don’t really want to move to the middle of the ocean of a jungle compound in South America
This “plan” is literally the setting of Snow Crash
What’s the practical takeaway here? Just don’t have an email basically