Good thing I said “”“I”“” don’t see the reason to do it, as in this is my use case for me personally . For a second there I were dangerously far from saying “No one should ever”
Good thing I said “”“I”“” don’t see the reason to do it, as in this is my use case for me personally . For a second there I were dangerously far from saying “No one should ever”
I just don’t see the reason to do it.
If I have time to watch a 20min video it’s because I’m at home doing nothing and home is where my TV and computers are. If the only thing I have is my phone that means I’m out doing something, so I don’t have time to watch a 20min video.
Dont post carrots, post carets ^^^^
we need to ask technology connections, He would know.
I respect you Mr. PM_ME_UR_FEET_69
You give the honest truth
Hurst lightning rods shifter in an Oldsmobile. They are for drag racing.