He will be eventually. That’s the process to primary him.
He will be eventually. That’s the process to primary him.
It’s as complicated as filing two short forms with the FEC and raising a minimum of $5,000 specifically for a senate campaign.
So to answer your question, she would file 2 forms with the FEC + have someone give her $5k.
She can run for Schumer’s seat. She lives in NY, she’s been a citizen for over 9 years, and she’s over 30 years old. Those are the qualifications.
Traveled to Washington DC to attend protests against this fascist bullshit we got going on.
Open invitation if anyone wants to come.
Ah, thanks for correcting me. Going to leave my comment up for future context.
Otherwise it’s called Sour Mash.
Like they mention in the article, I also recommend the Uncle Nearest brand.
Uncle Nearest (his name was Nearest Green) was a slave who worked with Jack Daniels to create his famous whiskey. He was (I believe) the first black Master Distiller.
His descendants have created their own distillery. His great-great-granddaughter is now their Master Blender and man are those blends good. I went on the tour last year - highly recommend if you’re ever in Tennessee.
I consider him more of an apple head.
I view it like It’s a tool. Think “monolith” from 2001.
Great. More places for the protomolecule to hang out.
Brad Lander is the only logical choice at the moment.
I would prefer Jumaane Williams.
Unfortunately Williams is running for reelection as Public Advocate but he would be my choice. If Adams ever resigned or got removed somehow, Williams would 100% be on the ballot and would probably win that primary easily.
Helpful acronym explainer:
SSA = Social Security Administration
USSS = US Secret Service
SS = I guess ICE nowadays? Or the DOJ as a whole?
As I understand it:
Currently Social Security employs about 60,000 workers.
They’re looking to cut a minimum of 7,000 employees and a maximum of 30,000 employees.
If they cut 30,000 from the existing 60,000 it would represent a 50% reduction in workforce.
The way they worded it is absolutely stupid.
30 years ago, I was a young research student on the project to synthesize an injectable form of birth control. I was responsible for isolating proteins using column chromatography.
Brilliant Minds also had an episode where a kid had this.
Capital punishment will always be more of a tool to control behavior than a tool to regulate public justice.
A death penalty serves the ultimate purpose of demonstrating that the state can use its power (executive, legislative, and judicial) to order a citizen killed.
The power of the state to kill someone can be wielded arbitrarily based upon laws enacted (legislative), sentences ordered (judicial), and pardons withheld (executive).
Expect more laws and more capital sentences to curb more behaviors that the state wishes to curtail. When they run out of behaviors, expect capital punishment for crimes of belief, thought, and group affiliation for that is the natural progression of authoritarianism, despotism, and tyranny.
I keep seeing posts that mention if Tesla hits $120 per share, it drops below the collateral level of the Twitter acquisition loan.
I have no idea how true that is but I’ve seen that number pop up multiple times across socials.
Can anyone confirm where that number is cited?