Craig Richards - Fabric 01
Craig Richards - Fabric 01
If you add white vinegar to load, you won’t get the ick from clothes sitting in washer for hours.
I thought it was called the Dark Forest Trilogy.
Anal sex.
Tell us more!
Left side is heart rate. Right side is penis.
Here is a joke I heard in Moscow, in the early-‘90s:
Our Soviet computer sector was clearly the best. We built the largest chips in the world!
Her father was also one of the highest-earning crim defense lawyers.
None of that matters. I just like riding around town in one of Lara Croft’s breasts.
Your math sounds right. I’m surprised that ProPublica would fall for copaganda.
Please forgive a wildly uninformed question: What is it that VMware does today that isn’t covered by Docker?
Buttigieg has watched a bunch of issues increase on his watch, and done next to nothing about them.
I’d be fascinated to know whether Prime membership has taken a noticeable hit. I have been a member since its inception, and buy $20K/year in stuff there, but canceled my upcoming renewal, when they announced the price gouge for PrimeVideo and then started salting programming with ads.
Oh, no one has lost money betting on the DNC doing the stupidest thing possible at the presidential level in decades.
They’re so shot through with untalented PMC hacks and graspers that Obama wouldn’t even let them touch the bag or have real control for 8 years; he ran his own 50-state Organizing For America/Action operations.
VP Harris has never had to run a real general election campaign, and it shows in how poorly she did in the California primary in ‘20, and in how little traction she has been able to get at either a policy or retail politicking level; she has almost no constituency today.
Facing down the feral genius of modern media manipulation in a general would be more than she has shown herself capable of to date.
I heard someone say there’s a North Montenegro now. Is that true?
They were briefly fairly free in the ‘90s, but the experience of their version of the shock doctrine was so painful that the people begged to be ruled again.
I thought Chile had drinkable table water. Last time someone posted a UN map, iirc Chile was the sole county in South America highlighted.
I’m so tainted by Borat.
Thank you. I can’t figure out if it’s that or a rest-of-the-fucking-owl.