In this thumbnail it looks like Musk is partially in his ex’s side of the picture?
I was just reading a comment about the media giving favourable coverage to Musk (“admits” vs “claims”) and here he is literally being foregrounded!
In this thumbnail it looks like Musk is partially in his ex’s side of the picture?
I was just reading a comment about the media giving favourable coverage to Musk (“admits” vs “claims”) and here he is literally being foregrounded!
What do you call a tyrannosaurus that’s deaf?
Anything ya want, he can’t hear ya!
I saw this years ago in a sci fi double feature at this big old cinema in my city, had Interstellar followed by Jupiter Ascending. I loved it, this very serious dry high concept hard sci fi followed by fuckin rocket boots!
One Day As A Lion is a 2008 Zach de la Rocha side project that’s definitely worth a listen if you haven’t checked it out.
Rupert goddamn Murdoch getting screentime was definitely a low point for me.
I feel like any sink that gets used by 6 people at the same time is probably getting scrubbed pretty regularly regardless
In New Zealand we had Space Man Candy Sticks and the art on the little box is amazing!
But it’s got no hands!!
Also though perhaps if you break the hands off a clock it can no longer be considered a clock at all?
Id definitely read that as “coming in on his birthday, which he’d priorly arranged to have off”.
Defiant Jazz!
Huh, I never read too much into it but it definitely sounds like that might be the case.
This Billboard article from the time of the 2005 legal settlement mentions:
"The settlement ends a legal dispute that some of Parks’ own relatives had criticized, saying she wouldn’t have minded the use of her name in the song “Rosa Parks” had she not been mentally impaired. "
“After that lawsuit was filed, some of Parks’ relatives began questioning her well-being and the actions of her caretaker and the lawyers who filed the suit, and alleged she is probably unaware of the lawsuits.”
So perhaps while she did technically live long enough to sue OutKast, she was suffering from dementia at the time and it’s possible that she was unaware of the actions taken in her name.
The more you know!
I’ve posted about this before but Rosa Parks lived long enough to sue OutKast in 1999 over their use of her name in their song ‘Rosa Parks’.
to be fair
The conclusion id jump to is that they were going in there to do some drugs.
Welcome welcome! :)