Pretty much everwhere I’ve worked; there’s a no alcohol or drugs clause in the employment contract/policies. So officially it’s not permitted; but one beer, or a couple hits from a dab pen (weed vape) hasn’t been uncommon in most places either; just don’t let management see it.
This has actually been one of the biggest reasons I’ve been hesitant too. Looking at that list, my bank isn’t on it (a regional credit union), nor is my credit card provider which also has an app for management.
Ontop of that, there’s a provincial ID app that’s recently rolled out. It’s become somewhat important for reaching certain government services and can only really be transfered from one working device to another unless you go through the whole process to have it issued again.
I have no idea if that will work on graphine and I don’t have a second device to transfer it to while I wipe this and put a new ROM on it.
I do want to try GraphineOS, but I think I’m going to wait for my next device and start from scratch with that.
That does leave me with a question though. If you do install GraphineOS or another os/rom and it’s not working out for you; how hard is it to get back to factory, or at least back to a ‘standard’ android install?