I’ll do it as long as I can post more Possum memes
Or just use Edge cause Microsoft is already syphoning your data so you might as well go the whole hog and use Edge
It’s not a concern as long as they don’t spread from the aisles into Poland
Nah I didn’t make them I just started posting them
Yes!! My influence has finally coming full circle
You never know if you never go
Ravens and dropping easy win games in the 4th Qtr… name a more iconic duo… Ravens should have put at least 20 on the board but injuries seems to have taken the wind out of them.
Be me: “Ohh yeah I should check the sco…ooooooooohhhhh my good God!”
Same, at times it was spitting hard facts hence why Reddit hated it
Reddit is whatever gives them karma
Mine was literally a piece of stainless Steel my mate turned into a ring. Even made me spares, love them.
Crazy how businesses pull this shit. Yet where I work they won’t let us work overtime cause they don’t want to pay us. But then get shitty when the work is not done …
Not a lot of public transport is electric or hydrogen powered so they all use old desal engines. I get his point but at the same time if more people used buses they would offset people driving
Not possible where I live, not enough public transport, not enough bike lanes and too far to travel Daily
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