Deaths are sad, if we consider that people can be brainwashed and it isn’t entirely their fault, it’s a tragedy.
That said, this is… Evolution in action. I don’t just mean darwin awards dumb, but more specifically that technologies (social or physical) are actually a part of Evolution, not aside from it. That also means that dealing with misinformation is actually becoming a part of evolution, literally for survival. Or if not critical thinking, then what group you attach yourself to, aka what network you trust. Which in some ways, is actually not all that different from before modern technologies.
I personally use the original amazfit bip. Cannot be newthough, I sourced mine from aliexpress, and even there they are ex-demo and stuff. Heart rate sensor isn’t amazing but I don’t know if that’s maybe my hairy arm. The main reason I got it, can be used with gadget bridge, for best privacy
Edit: worth noting that I had to flash it with English firmware, which did mean I had to use the official app originally