PedoCon theory is a theory in the same way gravity is a theory…
PedoCon theory is a theory in the same way gravity is a theory…
Jokes on you if the people always wear matching underwear. Or none.
Shows his worst self
His honest self
Simple material effect.
People are shaped by the interrest of the social and material class they are part of. And the evil people are always the one in power and have the money, so they act in the interest of their class and do things that help themselves.
Fucking Marx wrote about this quite a while ago, now his predictions just manifest more visibly, but the cultural and material forces have always been at play. Now we just reached a breaking point as a planet and population, so the underlying systems start to break too and the people on top do everything to stay in power, including ditching reality altogether.
Plot Twist:
We lure the murderer here, bag him up, then straight to the ICC. Sounds like a good plan to me.
Possible, but it will be close. Will have to wait for the final count to know for sure, same with BSW
Inside Perspective here:
The former government colation (SPD, Greens, FDP) did not do a good enough job in the eyes of most germans. Mostly due to sabotage from the FDP who repeatedly blocked proposals and was the main reason for the breaking of the whole coaltition in the first place…
While the artivle claims that the CDU is expected to hold of against the AfD, the situation on the ground is different. Merz has just recently broken tabu by wanting to push an immigration restriction explicitly with votes from the AfD. So fears that the CDU is willing to form a government with them are substantiated by precedent.
This woule give them a majority, but could break the CDU internally. Not all of them like the AfD and Merz is barely human to begin with, especially unpopular with women for good reasons. Even a former chancellor, Angela Merkel, stepped in to explocitly criticise Merz for that move specifically.
Likely it will be CDU + SPD or CDU + SPD + Greens.
All of this is happening while a ban of the AfD is currently underway, but with this result that idea might become compromised.
Summary: Things turned out bad as expected, but as long as a CDU + AfD coalition is avoided, we still have a slim chance to not burn down the whole country.
Something something Leopards and faces.
I have no sympathy left for these kind of people. You are not “one of the good ones”, you were used and are now discarded like every usefull idiot eventually is who believes they are somehow special enough to be spared.
No far-right person deserves an intact gravestone.
Rest In Piss, you will not be missed.
Legality had its chance…
How does being cucked differ from a feeling of compersion from you?
(Compersion is the opposite of being jelous, a term often used in ethical non-monogamy)
For those not on the know, here is some more context:
Angela Merkel was a very prominent figure in german politics, commonly known as “Mutti Merkel” (Mommy Merkel).
A lot of people do look back on her cancelor period quite fondly and her criticism of Merz collaborating with modern Nazis (AfD) does carry some weight. Merz burned a lot of political capital with his little stunt, demonstrated by one of the most popular CDU politicians turning against him.
The AfD is also not as popular here as some might think when looking from the outside in and efforts to ban them are underway, they are already classified in parts as an extremist group.
Source: I lived trough the time period when she was chancelor in Germany and know how people talked about her years later. Take it with a grain of salt, this is a more personal perspective
This reads a bit like satire. Really good satire!
The “girlfriend-zone” is a word im stealing from this…
Me: Reads the firts part
Adopting change? Am I about to agree with a traitor to America about bettering the life for people? Reducing police spending maybe even?
Reads the “woke is bad” part
Nevermind, they still hate life and want everyone to suffer. Reliably inhuman.
It is, in my opinion, the most relevant thing in the entire text.
If they left you because you are conservative, then thats a good thing. And should have happened sooner. Hopefully to others as well, they deserve better.
You need us more then we need you, so change or be alone.
my nephew
They no longer calling? Shame
Sorry but if one side has actual facts and the other a bunch of lies and racism, cultur war is not a productive use of resources on a planet that is burning.
The inability of conservative minds to stop hating good things is not aspirational and you calling it such makes you complicit in their goal of destroying humanity.
Go home. If you still have one worth going back to
At least he tried, which is way more then a lot of others in power did.
Hope he and his family will be able to leave the country before his head end on a pike…
There is no bad thing in the world that the right-wing can’t and won’t blame on a group of people they hate for simply existing.
PedoCon “theory” strikes again…
Every. Single. Time.