I have only managed to convince ONE person to watch Neon Genesis Evangelion, tragically, because it’s my favorite tv show of all time.
I have only managed to convince ONE person to watch Neon Genesis Evangelion, tragically, because it’s my favorite tv show of all time.
Because to companies, labor is just a business expense, you’re a cost to be kept low so they can please investors/shareholders. Our system isn’t for your average worker, it’s for the people who own the businesses.
Because we are social species, and gender heavily influences how all of us are treated and how we treat others.
Who I am is a woman, that’s what I’m comfortable with and what makes me happy.
The simplest explanation though is that transition works. I suffer from what’s called gender dysphoria, not every trans person does, but the only known effective method of dealing with it is transitioning.
I don’t know what anime you’re watching to find stuff like that, honestly. Just stop watching harem anime and you’ll find lots of good stuff to watch.
I feel like it’s hit-or-miss. A lot of people will zipper merge, but a lot of other people don’t care and mess things up.
I do not believe, at all, that linux needs to grow. We don’t need to appeal to every casual pc user, because for most of these people what they are using already works just fine for them - and if they don’t already have the drive to learn about and try linux on their own, there’s no reason to shove it in their faces.
I really don’t have a place or space to display them, so they sit in a bin on a small shelf w/ my other retro game stuff. I’ve never minded the lack of spine labels since I’ve always had them in bins, haha. There’s even some hidden gems on the platform!
Nintendo 64 games.
It was the first game console I really played much of growing up. I’d go to my dads on the weekends and he had it there, so it was this magical time, playing Ocarina of Time and Mario Kart 64. I’ve collected nearly all the games I grew up with, as well as some I never played as a kid. I like having it, knowing that at any time I can play them, in their original forms on hardware. Emulation is great but playing on hardware just hits different.
I’m getting the vibe that it’s been developed with full knowledge that it’s going to be a commercial flop, and they’re just hoping to at least not lose money. Feels like the developer had a contract to make a live service game w/ the IP so they’re just chugging it out. Obviously not sure though.
Nobody is going to buy this I don’t get why they’re pushing it
I shop at grocery outlet and ultimately eat very little.
I’m not sure who yet, but I will be voting for a third-party candidate.
I fundamentally draw the line at voting for any candidate that funds genocide like joe. The two party system is broken.
A lot of weed
I’m not sure what there is to like, honestly. Capitalism has done an excellent job at making sure that we have homeless and hungry people, despite having more homes than homeless people, and we throw away enough food to feed all of them too. conservative values led to suburban america, which is such an incredible failure in every single way. You can’t walk practically anywhere, we don’t design infrastructure for pedestrians, and we build anti-homeless architecture anywhere that we do happen to have areas people can take shelter from the elements or sit down in public (because having homeless people visible is bad for business!). You have to pay money to just exist anywhere. I’m fucking tired of it. It inconveniences those of us who have homes, and just want to be able to socialize in public places, and makes existence HELL for those of us without homes.
Liberalism, at best, wants to maintain the status quo, and is never willing to push for change fast enough to stop people from slipping through the cracks. Roe VS Wade was, quite literally, abolished while we had a liberal president. Biden is still funding Israel’s genocide.
Capitalism calls for infinite growth in order to please investors… which will stop eventually. Whether we want it to or not. They’ll just destroy the planet even more than they already before they get to that point. There’s not infinite resources, and the damage we’ve done to our planet because of industrialization and capitalism is irreversible.
So yeah.
Fuck liberalism, capitalism, and conservatism.
Why do you think people use a credit card to buy nice things they don’t need, per se?
Something like 62% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck. It’s not that people “feel they deserve stuff before they can afford it”, it’s that in our current economic system, prices are going up and wages are staying low. Productivity is going up, but compensation is not keeping up with prices or productivity. People can at least dream of being able to pay off a credit card that they used to buy a new TV or maybe a new car, but something bigger like a house, or comfortably affording children, is off the table because of how expensive everything is right now.
But let’s be totally honest, people get into debt to do things like pay rent, or on car repairs, or hospital bills, or vet bills, etc. etc.
tell that to the cheapest apartment I could find being, quite literally, more than half my income.
Most of these things are coping mechanisms, that we use to deal with living lives structured in ways that are bad for people. The 9:00 to 5:00 5-day work week is bad for you, but weed and cigarettes and caffeine and alcohol help you to keep doing it day after day. That helps the soften the physical pain, or to help you relax after a particularly bad shift, etc.
I disagree with the statement that sugar and gluten are bad for you, but at least in the US they do have excessive amounts of it into everything.
One other thing is that I think it’s bad to lump all drugs into the category of saying it’s bad for you, because every drug is different and the way they affect you varies dramatically. It’s important to evaluate drugs individually - remember that the medication that you get at the pharmacy are drugs too.
There’s no need to ever move out from your parents if the living situation is positive for all of you. I truly believe that the pressure to be “independent” is a coordinated strategy to keep people separate so everyone has to buy their own set of everything. It maximizes profit for big corporations and landlords.