rclone - you can use cheapest cloud or s3 provider and sync encrypted data. Syncthing - sync across devices.
For the most part it’s a business for them, and that’s what matters, they target Mac users because they are more likely to pay. If you need speed and customization there is neovim and Helix (Rust based). From users to users, no business interests here. Or VSCode just works for almost everyone.
The app is perfect.
It’s not beautiful
Engineers did that. Zuck just saw no business advantage to keep it private. He agreed to open-source them to popularize whatever they build in Meta to make hiring engineers easier, since they already know whatever they use inside Meta
Without any proof, no peer review. It’s a fraud.
Don’t think so, can you elaborate?
LocalMonero and Bisq is goto
That’s a lot of new features
What are the exact benefits of running nodes for the network? I have several spare servers I would run 5 of them. I do run 1 already. If that matters I could run many of them via Docker
There are ways to do it on a rooted phone, many did. Use a different account for it.
I do like HoppScotch. Is there a reason why you may prefer Insomnia?
Looks interesting, they deserve attention. Maybe if they would be on Github would help a lot
Not bad, I did enjoy some of Vivaldi’s UI features, great if we gonna have some new UI customization option on ff
Agree on all of them!
From when do you people trust thse big corporations, news companies, ha? 😁😁😁
go get FastFetch