Working as intended then, because it was never about savings.
Working as intended then, because it was never about savings.
I was reading that the backlash in the town halls and elsewhere is providing room in the eyes of those with power to lose like CBS and politicians to be more forceful in their opposition to Trump’s dictatorship-in-the-making.
Macron really going out of his way to fuck over the French people, eh? Calls snap elections right after the far right wins big in eu elections, then refuses to follow the will of the people when said election backfires.
Part of my thinks the left will be better off in opposition, though.
But it isn’t the same as if the entire working class had a collective say in the capital, not just those who choose to and have the resources to pay in. It isn’t the same as the workers of that company having a say in their working conditions, shift lengths, compensation, etc.
A better way to say it would instead be the inverse: “If you don’t work for a paycheck, you probably hold enough capital”
Captured implies that the State didn’t already function as a tool of capital
Yes, although the US pulled itself back enough with some of FDR’s reforms that it kicked the can down the road a few generations, whereas the Weimar Republic actually collapsed.
They’re banking on the 6-3 conservative majority being willing to use their power.
When organized labor is crushed, what comes next is never pretty (see: 1930s Germany).
The impression I had gotten from interviews (Al Jazeera, the Guardian, Haaretz) was that Israeli civilian police were there and exchanged fire with Hamas but that it was HOURS before they came across any IDF personnel. I’ve been focusing on this less as the time goes on and the catastrophic situation in Gaza gets worse and worse, so maybe further sources have come out regarding the Nova Festival.
Regardless I would like to see consequences to the people who authorized a festival so close to Gaza in the first place…
“Cmon, can’t we all just hate queers in peace, together?”
There are a lot of people on the left who think that they oppose things by adopting the reverse of whatever Mainstream Media says or by unironically endorsing what the right wing fear mongers about.
For example, if the Mainstream media dehumanises Palestinians, then they should dehumanise Israelis back. Opposing Israeli apartheid is not only the same as supporting Hamas but not supporting Hamas means your don’t REALLY care about Palestinian liberation.
Another example being that liberals and conservatives fear monger about how Palestianians all want to kill Israelis and anyone who supports the settler state, and so some people on the left adopt that as their actual viewpoint in order to “oppose” the right.
I can’t think of a single successful revolution that didn’t end up with significant civilian casualties
A gross oversimplification. Will civilians inevitably get got in the crossfire or be targeted by reactionaries during protests as part of the revolution? Sure. But there’s a difference between that and seeking out and targeting a site without a military presence and civilians from more than just Israel.
Remember the Reign of Terror in France?
Not a good example to cite since that destabilized revolutionary france and helped create the conditions for Napoleon to rise to power.
Revolution is bloody and revolution leads to civilian casualties, but at its core it’s caused by systematic oppression by the government and inaction on behalf of the population
Again, a revolution is bloody because of the people reacting against it, it doesn’t have to be because your side decided to target civilians and perpetuate cycles of violence. The revolutions that created long lasting new paradigms didn’t serve as vehicles to enact vengeance.
Both are crimes under various international laws, some people seem to think you fight one by committing the other
I get it, but it saddens me to think how many people might be around me both irl and online that would be alright with or even happy about the death of unarmed people of all ages and genders. Or that the people on the left in particular (since that’s my camp) suddenly don’t care about sexual violence if it’s being perpetrated against someone they’ve decided deserved it or was a legitimate target because of social grievances
My side is the good side and therefore is justified in its actions! It can’t do something wrong against those monsters!
“Both are evil” rhetoric is often used to justify or obfuscate one sides crimes, and because on the broader scale, Israel unfolds destruction and death at a higher scale, so there’s a lot of intense emotions from thise keyed into Palestinian struggle. That’s why so many want you to pick.
It is important to remember Hamas ≠ Palestinians, and Israeli government ≠ Israeli citizens. Yes, they live in a colonial state, but Hamas doesn’t care if they try to fight to change it or not, furthermore, most left leaning people are in colonial states or in former colonizing states so they are basically saying they think violence against them is justified too. Everyone should be aware of their privileges and work to dismantle the systems that create them, but that doesn’t mean they need be killed in order to realize that!
It’s ridiculous because you’re absolutely right too, Israeli calling them all “human animals” and doing a total blockade of Gaza is a war crime, but so is what happened to Shani Louk. In the world I am fighting for, the people responsible for both would be held accountable.
Its cause they do it to non-Europeans in Gaza or stand aside while settlers in the West Bank do it
You can literally find Palestinian diplomats on BBC and AL Jazeera doing exactly that while placing it in the wider context of the 50+ year occupation and the fact that Israel is still the bigger military force in this
Theres pointing out bias and theres making bad-faith accusations of motive with no basis
NATO is liberal and that comes with all of the problems of liberals but in what ways has it functioned as a fascist organisation?