Dat size and dat lightning port 👌🏿
Dat size and dat lightning port 👌🏿
what a bottom barrel intellectually bankrupt accusation
what a tired bankrupt statement, of course I read it, and yes it confirms USB is a horror show
Is USB-IF paying you?
If you need a TWENTY TWO PAGE document to even start to make sense of USB…it sucks.
You’ve demonstrated quite successfully it doesn’t just suck it REALLY SUCKS
If you have to have an hour long 15 point plan to explain why usb doesn’t suck…it sucks.
And yeah of course I would use that old moto phone 70 pin power connector over usb c. Very clear specs on what it did, and super robust.
If you have to have an hour long 15 point plan to explain why usb doesn’t suck…it sucks.
And yeah of course I would use that old moto phone 70 pin power connector over usb c. Very clear specs on what it did, and super robust.
Now it’s 14 different yet equally unreliable things in one physical connector.
I mean USB is so so so bad and what a lie that USB-C is some universal thing (besides the physical connector)
Namecrane, I think they are Canadian
He has been since 1999 is the rub.
Yeah multiple layers of s***; I’ll be honest I never figured out how to use the digital coupons for the second layer of discount; seems like it’s not in the Kroger app but some other scammy telemetry scamming 3rs party. I paid the $2.99 for the ice cream I stead of 1.99
I worked for Lee Enterprises pre bankruptcy and there was near zero viable anything then; can’t imagine near twenty years later how bad it is now.
I dearly miss my little mag mount antenna for my nokia 5120. Couod make an analog phone call from anywhere in the county. Cant do it today really
Nextdoor 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢
Yep, every micro usb charging port I ever had eventually failed. And because the gender was opposite how lightning works you have to replace the port/device instead of just getting a new cable. It was horrid.
Micro USB was definitely horrid. The USB C connector is OK agreed other than the gender is on the wrong sides which still causes reliability issues vs lightning. And USB is such a mess, no mortal has any hope of knowing what the usb c port they have will actually do.
USB is so so so so so so so much worse than Lightning. Yes Apple is one of the only companies who manages to implement it so it mostly works, but it was still a huge downgrade.
Now that’s a name I have not thought about in a long time 🤜🤛