I should have mentioned that I’m very new to Linux, haha. After looking it up and checking my system info, looks like I am using x11.
I should have mentioned that I’m very new to Linux, haha. After looking it up and checking my system info, looks like I am using x11.
Wow, this bothered you so much you came back the next day to be condescending and try to claim the moral high ground. Crazy.
Not who you replied to and I don’t remember if they covered this specifically but the podcast Behind the Bastards has covered a lot of the workings of the Nazi party.
I love that in the thread right before this one for me someone was mocking the use of words like “slam” in news.
That’s a nice excuse. Whatever you gotta tell yourself, I suppose. I doubt you even believe it though. At least I hope you’re smarter than that.
Escalated from consequences for your actions to a deranged death fantasy. Must be disturbing to be around you.
I hope you hit a shopping cart in a parking lot.
Lol, Alex Jones style research. Using memes and headlines as news.
Thinking there’s something after death seems to make people lose sight of this world and fail to see the beauty in it, IMO. When I hear religious people ask this question I think their god(s) must feel insulted. Doesn’t really answer your full question but that’s my thoughts.
Didn’t think the Fourth City was Roman.
My roomie’s cat drools on me when she’s cozy and getting pets.
Oh I figured it out and it’s definitely newbie stuff. I was poking around and for shits tried to upgrade my OS. While I couldn’t do that, it seems like it did upgrade a lot of other stuff and now the clicker works normally. I was hoping it’d be a miracle and fix another issue, too, but it didn’t.