Link to the original Tweet: https://x.com/AlinOzinian/status/1877991133285863613 Archived: http://archive.today/2025.01.11-093006/https://x.com/AlinOzinian/status/1877991133285863613
Link to the original Tweet: https://x.com/AlinOzinian/status/1877991133285863613 Archived: http://archive.today/2025.01.11-093006/https://x.com/AlinOzinian/status/1877991133285863613
Link to the original Tweet: https://x.com/AlinOzinian/status/1877991133285863613 Archived: http://archive.today/2025.01.11-093006/https://x.com/AlinOzinian/status/1877991133285863613
Every single day he whines about European population decline. Guess what? He is actually having problems with non white/non Christian population share decline.
Large industrial bosses loved Hitler and his policies. It isn’t very different from Elon. He is trying to be Krupp of today.
Dig deeper, it is even more crazy. They use Plan9’es protocol.
The phone sensors are so advanced that tools like “Sleep as Android” can record a perfect sleep snapshot just by leaving the phone on the bed while sleeping. I think Google can also record “private encounters” too. Actually, everything with a good sensor (smart watch(!)) can record everything. I am saying don’t be afraid, be horrified :-)
Reminder: As long as you don’t get rid of “Google Play Services” running as “root” 24/7, removing/not using Google Maps doesn’t mean so much to Google.
I refuse to answer such a stupid question.
It was a serious issue back then. People were wandering around on the Internet with root accounts. A lot of #linux IRC channels were kicking&banning anyone with “~root” or “root” ident with educational sentence like “Do not use root account as your ordinary account, check instructions”. We don’t see the issue widespread today since distros did very good intended “dark patterns” to push users to regular user accounts. Linux (or UNIX) “root” account is true god mode. E.g. infamous “rm” as root joke (!) could even affect Windows running WSL2, so MS had to implement special workarounds.
What was ambassador doing with Hezbollah exclusive pager?
Clown graphics reminds me of the alt-right trolls who hate Mozilla for their stance on diversity and freedom. They are even late to the AI party, there isn’t a single “free as in freedom” AI around, are you aware of it?
Check this one: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/pwas-for-firefox/ It doesn’t have super advanced capabilities of PWAs however the “pwa creators” already assume one is using Chrome etc.
It is all about private “dinners”.
First of all you can check distrobox.it which can basically run Neon inside your distribution however you better set a different virtual home for neon in that case.
I would first tar the .steam to be on the safe side but steam is different, it is some kind of Ubuntu stable itself residing in that directory. Not a big time gamer but people laughed at Ubuntu for shipping its snap because of it.
Long story short I don’t think steam would have issues. I meant not to expect KDE guys to revert upgraded preferences back to KDE5 etc. You know they do such things and blame Linux/KDE etc.
Does he even have a credible rival now? He was on his way out and HAMAS massacre happened. Thank your Islamic fascists.
A separate /home can save you hours or even days in several occasions however don’t try crazy things like trying to have KDE of Ubuntu share same theme/settings with KDE6. A /var on a fast drive can create wonders too.
It will be there forever since it got stuck as a “offline” button. People go offline for many reasons and they look for a “plane” icon.
Since when did you see/use a diskette or a dot matrix printer? You use their icons.
Unsurprisingly it is the gigantic EA application which breaks Sims 4 most of the times. It crashes, Steam notices non zero exit and gives up.
EA isn’t so managed so they don’t even reach MS to stop pushing alpha/beta updates to stable version of their apps via Winget. So you can guess how much they will care about Linux issues. I mean Steam guys won’t really hack their binaries to fix it so it is up to them.
I think I have read this suggestion at Reddit: "Make people who wants to use API as clients pay. " The app doesn’t have to have API key, user pays a very reasonable money to access Reddit with their favourite application. Obviously it would come with sane for human browsing limits and AI leechers should pay millions.
Just like a plain old radio station where you can access from web page for free but you need to subscribe for better AAC, high quality streams and standard VLC support.
I kept saying it all over the place regarding the fascistic rejection of Russian (as in race) code and got flamed as result. These people use FOSS, especially GNU/GPL software and yet they have no clue about the license themselves.