I have been noticing my battery life being lower after the 18 and 18.0.1 update on the 15PM. It feels like I’m ending my day with less than 20% battery when before I was over 30% easily.
It still gets me through the day, but not as comfortably.
I have been noticing my battery life being lower after the 18 and 18.0.1 update on the 15PM. It feels like I’m ending my day with less than 20% battery when before I was over 30% easily.
It still gets me through the day, but not as comfortably.
Yeah, that’s exactly what I mean. I don’t think most people understand that, and it will lead to people losing faith in experts when they’re told inflation is back to pre-pandemic levels but prices aren’t.
People don’t understand this about inflation and it will disappoint them very soon once inflation is fully back to rates we saw pre-pandemic.
Grocery prices aren’t coming down. Housing prices aren’t going down. Utility costs aren’t going down. The best we can hope for is for them to not increase as fast as they have the last four years and for the usual fluctuations in things like gas or electricity costs to fluctuate down more than up.
And the most recent trailer also has a fairly large cameo spoiler too. So if you care, now is a good time to stop looking up info on the movie until you see it.
It’s funny, I think Vegas is perfectly fine as the city of sin so things like this really don’t phase me. It was built on the idea of crime and excess.
What does seem weird to me is how in a desert, why isn’t everything solar? The sun is their only natural resource besides sand. Every rooftop and parking lot and flat surface possible seems like it should be a panel.
It also feels like their insistence is doing nothing but hurting them. The average consumer who doesn’t know the difference between a local account and a Microsoft account won’t know or care about MS doing this.
But the users who do have a preference and do want a local account are just going to be irritated at it and give them bad press. They’ll eventually figure out how to make a local account anyway and it may be the push they need to migrate off of Windows.
It really feels like drug users’ demand for drugs that don’t kill them would create a market for artisanal drugs, like with the alcohol industry.
If I had any interest in hard drugs, I would be terrified to use them now. I know we’re dealing with addicts who aren’t making good decisions, but aren’t there wealthy coke fiends? How can anyone snort lines at a party if they don’t know if it has all this lethal shit in it?
That is the frustrating part. The employers want to continue to pay their servers unlivable wages and force the customer to pay the rest. But a lot of the employees don’t want tipping to go away because they make more than federal minimum wage or even popular proposed livable wages like $15/hr or $20/hr.
So now customers are the only ones who want tipping to go away.
You can also play with it to try and get closer to correct. I had problems with getting an Excel macro working and getting unattended-updates working on my pihole. GPT was wrong at first, but got me partly there and I could massage the question and Google and get closer to the right answer. Without it, I wouldn’t have been able to get any of it, especially with the macro.
That is what is frustrating. He doesn’t really mean what you “see”. He means go with your gut/surface level feelings and understanding. If you “see” something that goes against what you see or what you feel without any specialized knowledge on the subject, go with your priors.
Did you get a browser error when trying this? It might be because you left the www in the URL. I had to remove that and replace it with old, and it works. The rest of the link structure is the same on both old and new reddit. I even tried it from a VPN just to be sure it wasn’t seeing my logged in cookies, and in a private browsing window where RES isn’t allowed to run. Worked fine.
Private Internet Access works for me. Just tested logged out in an incognito mode tab.
Interesting. I’ll have to test it when I get home. I’m always signed in and I use RES so could be some other factors causing it to not be a problem for me.
Old Reddit works for me, but I am logged into an account.
That is basically what they did. There are a decent amount of third party apps around that work. I personally use Narwhal.
The further we get from the whole third party app debacle, the more I think this was just a way to kill the most popular apps. The ones that people said made reddit worth using. The ones that got shouted out in Apple keynotes.
Old Reddit works for me. Does it just not work in general for you, or does it not work when not logged into an account?
Someone answered this for me. It’s just that it’s open source. If that matters to you, there you go.
Ah, gotcha. Makes sense.
Is there anything about Aegis that makes it better than Authy? Just looking at the page for Aegis, I’m not seeing a lot of difference. And it being Android only limits it.
My battery health has degraded over the year or so I’ve had the 15 PM, but it’s in normal range (89% with 272 charge cycles) and the change was noticed pretty immediately after upgrading to iOS 18.