Hmmmm you got some primary sources for those claims? Not saying you are wrong. It’s just the first time I’ve heard this.
Where am I?
Hmmmm you got some primary sources for those claims? Not saying you are wrong. It’s just the first time I’ve heard this.
I agree. However, I think a growing percentage of the population is painfully aware how little difference there is between the two parties. My only hope is that Harris will perhaps give us time for the vastly more progressive younger generations to come into power. Also, fuck Trump with a cactus, he is the worst aspects of our country condensed into one putrid sack of dying flesh.
Wait so they are kicking out the people exploiting them? That’s a good thing right?
It’s just off of an outdoor paid parking lot.
Not 100% sure I was just visiting. It’s a block away from No Land Beyond the local card store.
I was given this nickname by an old guy at work that knew I was good with computers. Never actually owned an ipod lol.
Cause they are owned by American billionaires and as such are more ethical. /s
Operation Outhouse.
Huh… I’m not smart enough to comment on the validity of this but it seems interesting.
I’m laughing so hard. I’m so high.
Yup… I don’t get.
Yeah I ran I to this with Critical Roll. Super toxic, super vocal minority of fans that made nuanced critical discussions of the show almost impossible. I don’t think it’s the show’s fault. Rabid fans make for rabid community moderators.
It’s probably a symptom of how fucked our society is. Or it’s just the internet.
This is some Merlin level superstition… Might as well claim that he is doing in on purpose while it’s happening.
For me it was the giant space virus mosquitos in Voyager. As a kid that shit was nightmarish.
Not sure why you are getting down voted. This is pretty accurate. American history as taught in American schools is essentially indoctrination where all the bad parts are removed.
Many of the founding fathers were shitty people.
I love fun facts.
We are grateful for you fellow internet human.
It’s an addiction for them. Wealth and power, you can never have enough to feel satisfied.
They really missed out on changing breaking news to braking news.