itty53 everywhere but twitter.

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023

  • Counter point, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

    I’m not gonna argue your brother (“my sister in law is the wife of a cop” is a strange way to say that) is evil simply for being a cop, no, but your brother does defend bad cops all the time. Every cop does. They call it a brotherhood for a reason, and the expectation is that their brotherhood runs deeper than yours. Be aware of that and keep him aware too. Because if he’s “one of the good ones” he’s in real danger if ever he spoke out against the bad ones. Real, life threatening danger. That I can say that of police and back it up with a dozen examples of cops killing other cops should at the very least give you pause.

    By the way if you do the “don’t assume their gender” thing from my assumption that it’s your brother, oh boy they’re in a lot more danger than I originally thought.

  • Somehow? I’m not stopping you. You keep talking about something else - you keep insisting China and America do the same bad things. And I’m correcting you. That’s all.

    I’m not stopping you from talking about what America has done, in fact I already told you we can talk about it. Four times I said those words, in each individual comment I wrote to you. Every time you made a choice not to and instead chose to double down on your original take, flawed and incorrect though it was. Every time you just insisted I was defending America and I never did.

    So talk. You have things to say, say them. Don’t do this childish “well fine” act where you pretend I’m controlling what you can and cannot say.

    By the way China never murdered and raped the middle east. Just one more example of the point isn’t it?

    Call me a hypocrite, that’s fine. I never cared much what children think of me. Grow up kiddo.

  • Again, we can talk about the terrible shit America has done and still does. I won’t deny it. Yes murder is bad. Okay? That’s not what you’re here arguing though. You wanna try again, no sweat. I’ll listen. Will you?

    “Anything bad China has done, America has too” is what you said. That is not just factually wrong, it’s childish and ignorant and above all lazy. You can’t even be arsed to be more than nominally aware of things.

    I was very clear about this already, so that you want to keep arguing tells me you’re not reading my replies at all or they won’t matter anyway, you’ll just pound your fists and stomp your feet. Fine. Do that. It’s alright. Won’t help you, won’t get you any closer to a better world, but you’ll feel better for a half second. Neat yeah?

  • That’s a highly generalized take that doesn’t hold water at all. The American government sucks but they’re not operating organ farms in concentration camps targeting religions, they’re not redrawing their maps to include parts of neighboring nations like Mexico and Canada, they’re not funding North Korea as the DPRK launches missiles over South Korea and Japan, they don’t have social credit scores, they don’t systematically harass and threaten their own citizens abroad…

    We can keep going if you want. And we can talk about the terrible shit America does too.

    But “these two entities are both bad and therefore they do the same exact things” is fucking dumb, naive, myopic, childish, and a bunch of other pejoratives I could think of. Grow up.

  • The amount of energy we’d need to pull from those flows even to power the full need of the world is likely pretty trivial compared to the amount those flows actually contain. Oceans are world engines, literally. There’s a lot of energy in there.

    These wouldn’t prevent flows either, just leech a little and slow it down. Worth exploring.

    The biggest issue is upkeep. Oil rigs require a massive amount of upkeep because salt water really wants to destroy most structural material, fast. Then you factor in costs of getting crews out there for maintenance, etc … it adds up. Costs not just financially but in carbon as well. Material advancements help but you’re back to the carbon costs with those in a big way too.

  • Harris could easily be the most unpopular VP only because she pisses off both sides. To the right she’s a black woman and that’s plenty to hate her. To the left, she’s a statist cop who put plenty of poor people in jail over tiny drug crimes. As the DA of San Francisco and AG of California she played a typical neoliberal role: executing conservative policies with flowery liberal verbiage.

    Progressives don’t like her and the DNC doesn’t listen to their progressives often. She’s definitely a sore spot.

  • I live in Fresno. I can pretty much guarantee that this is just targeted faux news meant to get (extremely dumb and gullible) conservatives riled up in a democratic state. The central valley is as conservative as Texas and within the red households, probably about as educated as Texas too.

    The only labs you’ll find in abandoned buildings here are meth labs. But you’re quite likely to find HIV in those labs too so ymmv.

    Do yourself a favor and block the OP reader. He knows this is all bullshit. And hey OP! Trump won’t ever notice you. I know you harbor a little hope he will but that’s just because you’re that small minded. He won’t. Ever.

  • This is a wildly over generalized take.

    Twitter was also an important tool for journalists and researchers worldwide. Military targets have come from Twitter posts. It is a reflection of a huge chunk of society. You may as well call all of internet technology “just a porn box” for how wildly over generalized that statement is. The reality is your generalization comes from arrogance. “I never engaged in such frivolous behavior”. You’re here now. Yes you have and yes you do.

    Even your comment is the first cousin of outrage, it’s pure disdain. Nothing more or less, and exactly as valuable as outrage.

  • No joke, start digging into the guys who made ancient aliens and not too long after you start seeing Nazi shit in their past. Like explicitly so, not tangentially related, not “neo” but actual Nazis. Historical revisionism is literally the basis of the show, so you shouldn’t be surprised that the main players are Holocaust deniers.

    Wanna know who wrote the book the show is based on? It wasn’t Von Daniken. He only wrote the first, unsuccessful draft. Utz Utermann rewrote the second draft that actually became very popular. Guess where he was from? Guess what he was doing during WW2? Writing propaganda for the Hitler Youth and working as the editor for Nazi newspapers. I’m dead serious.

    Ancient Aliens is just soft selling literal, actual mystic Nazism and it always, always, always has been.

  • Don’t go looking for the safe place to have the conversation, make all spaces safe for the conversation to take place.

    This. No safe space in the world will fix the problem. Safe spaces aren’t for addressing concerns, but simply outletting them. Venting without fear. That’s all they’re good for. If you want to affect change you need to challenge the problems where they arise, when they arise. Directly. That’s how you “be a man” today without being toxic: by having the courage it takes to say what ought to be said instead of the cowardice to let bad ideas go unchecked.