Somehow? I’m not stopping you. You keep talking about something else - you keep insisting China and America do the same bad things. And I’m correcting you. That’s all.
I’m not stopping you from talking about what America has done, in fact I already told you we can talk about it. Four times I said those words, in each individual comment I wrote to you. Every time you made a choice not to and instead chose to double down on your original take, flawed and incorrect though it was. Every time you just insisted I was defending America and I never did.
So talk. You have things to say, say them. Don’t do this childish “well fine” act where you pretend I’m controlling what you can and cannot say.
By the way China never murdered and raped the middle east. Just one more example of the point isn’t it?
Call me a hypocrite, that’s fine. I never cared much what children think of me. Grow up kiddo.
Counter point, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
I’m not gonna argue your brother (“my sister in law is the wife of a cop” is a strange way to say that) is evil simply for being a cop, no, but your brother does defend bad cops all the time. Every cop does. They call it a brotherhood for a reason, and the expectation is that their brotherhood runs deeper than yours. Be aware of that and keep him aware too. Because if he’s “one of the good ones” he’s in real danger if ever he spoke out against the bad ones. Real, life threatening danger. That I can say that of police and back it up with a dozen examples of cops killing other cops should at the very least give you pause.
By the way if you do the “don’t assume their gender” thing from my assumption that it’s your brother, oh boy they’re in a lot more danger than I originally thought.