I really hope he has a plan to stay safe and also has a document saved with multiple people in the event of an ‘unforseen sudden death’.
I really hope he has a plan to stay safe and also has a document saved with multiple people in the event of an ‘unforseen sudden death’.
He was staying at a hotel out-of-state while giving evidence against Boeing.
He was found dead in his car in the hotel parking lot from a ‘self-inflicted wound’.
There’s really no other way to look at it logically than he was murdered by Boeing. Nothing else adds up.
Anti-Hamas rage bait. Article ACTUALLY says “there are “reasonable grounds” to believe that Hamas committed rape and “sexualised torture” during its attack in southern Israel on 7 October.”
Israel murdered over a hundred people LAST WEEK who were starving and waiting in line for food and injured around 750 more, so why are we seeing an influx of articles making ‘reasonable assumptions’ against Hamas from 5 months ago? It still doesn’t justify Israel’s actions.
Oh, this happened in January before the whole Stephen King ‘deadnaming’ Twitter fiasco. I completely thought this was retaliatory at first.
Yeah, turns out moderating user generated content to guarantee it being safe for children is expensive.
DWI stands for Driving While Intoxicated, not Driving While Impaired. The restriction in the law is against “intoxicating liquor, cannabis, or any drug”.
A heart attack is not liquor, cannabis or a drug, therefore, it is not reasonable to charge this woman with a DWI.
lmao, no.
It was specifically written after the civil war so that the South could still technically have slavery, they just have to criminalize and convict a person first. It’s how we get the ‘war on drugs’ where even though black and white populations smoke around the same amount, black populations were criminalized FAR harsher, and sent to prison far more often. It’s exactly “Rules for thee, but not for me” on a grand scale where white people would likely ‘get a pass’ for their first arrest. That grace was not extended to black populations, and so we’re back at having slavery with extra steps.
It’s a nice thought that it just happened over time by accident, but in reality it was planned like this.
Honestly, the worst part is going to a doctor who you can tell is mildly religious and they start asking questions about why you think you feel anxiety and depression.
The trauma response to lie and hide is so strong, it takes SO MUCH effort to just be honest that it was your religious upbringing… and the second you do, they act like you’re personally attacking them. I’ve had doctors/nurses go from being warm and kind to suddenly going cold because I had the audacity to say that their religion is the cause of my trauma. You just have to keep looking for a new doctor until someone gets it.
So we have proof that sex has been more complicated than just XX or XY chromosomes since before Jesus existed. That’s pretty neat.
So, you objectify women, but you’re gay, but you have sex with women, but aren’t sexual with them, but find them extremely attractive, but…
What is the point here?
From what I understand - the first action the bad actors are taking are releasing the family trees to “out” anyone with Jewish relatives.
So, just hate crimes to start.
Jesus Fucking Christ, pick a side, article:
Average age of shooter was 16
“It’s not really about gun ownership”
More than half of the shooters got the firearm they used from a family member or a relative. About 30% got a weapon from the illegal market, while 22% obtained weapons from friends or acquaintances.
So 70% got it through someone who legally owned the gun already, and 30% bought it illegally. A 16 year old cannot purchase a gun legally.
Rizz = chaRISma
Use it the way your parents would use “game”.
Firstly, your ‘instance’ is just like your email server. It doesn’t matter if it’s @yahoo.com or @google.com, I can still email you and you can respond. Some people even have their own servers.
Next, imagine if Facebook, Instagram and Twitter users could all follow each other’s posts. The posts are already pretty much the same but we just add @Facebook or @Twitter to the end. You could log in to one, but see posts from the others. The only difference is the layout and design of the interface, like the difference between ‘Gmail’ and ‘Outlook’.
You can also move between servers easily if you want. Sick of @Facebook? Move to @Instagram without losing followers.
Seriously - the most dangerous roads I’ve ever been on were in Texas where there were 12 lane highways, and crazy people who wanted to drive 100MPH past you in the right-hand lane, all while people are merging on and off the highway.
Doing the speed limit meant that EVERYONE was driving faster than you, which meant that you were a lot more likely to get rear-ended from someone who didn’t see you in time. You have to speed to stay safe, and then you add in construction zones and it’s just a death trap.
Where is our public transportation option?
Remember, if someone asks you if you verbally agreed to 24k, you say NO. You verbally agreed to 42k and have the paperwork to match. There is no discrepancy.
Do installs of the same game by the same user across multiple devices count as different installs?
We treat different devices as different installs. We don’t want to track identity across different devices.
Jesus Christ. A single user can freely install the game repeatedly and bankrupt a creator.
‘Boss’ is a pretty good one for someone you’re trying to show respect to. ‘Buddy’ is good if you’re on an even field.
Never thought I would see the day where Google crumbles, but they’re actively sprinting towards it now.