Are you ready to take the fight to the streets? Because that’s likely what it’ll come down to. Voting won’t save you. The constitution is only a flimsy piece of paper. Start organizing now.
Are you ready to take the fight to the streets? Because that’s likely what it’ll come down to. Voting won’t save you. The constitution is only a flimsy piece of paper. Start organizing now.
My personal hate is the word “settler”, which invokes an image of somebody taking previously useless land and making it fit for human habitation, but apparently has been redefined within the borders of Palestine to mean “armed invader”.
That is revisionist history. Settler colonialism isn’t a thing that happened in the distant past, it is an ongoing process that is still going on to this day. What is currently happening in Palestine and Ukraine is an exactly what happened in the lands that you live on. You are a settler living on stolen indigenous lands, which were taken by brutal force no less inhumane and heinously than that being used by the IDF and the Russian state. Fuck off with that “previously useless land” bullshit.
Yet you still took the time to post about it