Be strong. Continue the economic blackout past the end dates. Get rid of your Prime subscription, delete the apps off your phones, support local businesses. We can do this together.
Be strong. Continue the economic blackout past the end dates. Get rid of your Prime subscription, delete the apps off your phones, support local businesses. We can do this together.
Aaaannddd there it is… Certainly no conflicts of interest /s
Hell really did freeze over if it’s gonna be too cold out there for his little hands.
And what’s the fine? 100 nickels?
What a little bitch…
Booooooooo. Freaking sellouts.
Just looks like an empty cab to me
…except for Leon…
What?! No way! I’m shocked! /s
Human sacrifice…? Surely this guy can’t be serious…
I love all this fear mongering! 😂 America IS great. Let’s keep it that way!
More like “Government releases —————— of ————— pages ————- — JFK ——————“