To be fair, there are a bunch of counterexamples. It definitely feels on-point with this one though.
To be fair, there are a bunch of counterexamples. It definitely feels on-point with this one though.
Seems they can reject it, like the one J6 MAGA-ite who did.
I didn’t have a sister, but I still did it a couple times.
Wait, does his right hand read “Hee”? Did he take that armor from Jacked Frost?
There are a bunch of adapters you can buy that don’t convert voltage, and it’s pretty common for people to buy them by mistake.
It’s an actual movie.
Looks like he’s straight out of FFXIV.
As someone who relies on Starlink to get functional Internet access? Please, please give me more options.
Seems more like a feature considering how ESP32s are used.
Her. Even better, one of them womenfolk the right is so afraid of.
Git is significantly better than the alternatives. Don’t conflate git and GitHub, they’re entirely different.
Looks like a politician claimed the crowd hated him because a bunch of liberals drove in to yell at him, and people are calling bullshit.
Canon has a tank printer line too. Absolutely recommend any tank printer (you’ll have to check reviews for specifics obviously).
Have you considered talking to her about your concerns? Punishment and chastising instead of proper discussion will just lead to circumvention.
FireDragon because it’s the version of Firefox that Garuda ships with and I never saw a reason to change from it.
AURORA came to mind immediately as a trio candidate.
Well, it started out as one aircraft carrier. Not by the time you’re done though!
Eh, it’s decently low latency. Around 40ms or so. That doesn’t make it useful for them though. There’s absolutely no -legitimate- reason for it in the white house. As for illegitimate reasons, why could Musk possibly want a connection inside the white house that has no oversight other than his own…?