The Last Voyage of the Demeter - was an interesting take on the old Dracula legend. The movie had great atmosphere and some solid performances.
The Last Voyage of the Demeter - was an interesting take on the old Dracula legend. The movie had great atmosphere and some solid performances.
You have a great way with words
I only use Facebook for local community info as I can’t get that anywhere else. My fake profile works wonderful for that.
Most alcoholics use alcohol to run from difficult, unprocessed emotions. I was one of them.
And suddenly everyone was born on Jan 1st, 2000
It’s like watching a train wreck in slow motion. I just can’t look away!
Yeah, I’m not into podcasts and YouTube videos either. Just let me read about my games please
I was in my early 20s when BG1, BG2, NWN, and Icewind Dale came out. The hype was real, and it was a spectacular time in gaming.
I got so hooked on the taste of fresh lemon that I planted 2 lemon trees in my yard. Bring it on!!
Pork floss. It’s crazy delicious
I will always upvote Blake’s 7!
I went with Aussie.zone and have been very happy with it so far.
I had Reddit withdrawal symptoms for maybe the first 2 weeks, but now I’m hooked on Lemmy and it feels great!
I’ll keep Gmail for any shit I might want to sign up for and use ProtonMail as my serious email account.
So the one remaining way to search the internet that would give me the results I needed is disappearing? Time to head back to the library I guess
Wadjet Eye games are soooo good.
Have you checked out Caves of Lore? It’s a great party based rpg with deep lore and created by a single developer. It reminds me of Jeff Vogel’s work a bit.
Interesting. I’ve never had any Covid symptoms and am from Europe originally.
These days I often just skip the first 2 pages and go straight to page 3 for my search results to be able to find anything slightly resembling what I searched for.
Always had a soft spot for Impostor (2001) with Gary Sinise based on Philip K Dick’s short story. It never is mentioned very much