• 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 27th, 2023


  • Personally, I believe a worker is entitled to all they create. I’m not going to deny the initial investment of the company is a risk taken and getting a bussiness on its feet requires active effort. But this opportunity is not amongst the many and most business starters are already quite well off and appeals to investors for growth which requires favorability of yet more well off people. Not to mention more well of bussinesses are less affected by law with breaking the law becoming an investment eventually making anticompetitive practices prevalent.

    While I do of course support personal property. Personally, I do not believe private property is justified as I believe it creates a wealth disparity and hierarchial power (Socialist here and relevant to workers being entitled to their labour). When working for a private bussiness. The owners of this bussiness get the surplus labour value of what you produce on the grounds of owning thus private property. I do not believe the existing ownership of this property is a justified income as it is a passive income independent of whether you do work or not.

  • Sounds like a antitrust violation imo. (Not based in knowledge of laws). In the future I hope to work in a co-op, non-profit, foss or privacy oriented bussiness or whatever. Just something I believe is beneficial to our future and not detrimental. Don’t care if I lose potential wages or job security.

    Just the standard run of the mill tech company for a private owner idealizing infinite growth for investors and making software that tries taking advantage of the user or even required to use such? Not for me. (I don’t need perfection just want improvent)