WELCOME. It’s so much better here. Can’t help with onboarding but you’ll get used to it. Oh and I’d recommend you use voyager app for browsing if you don’t know already
WELCOME. It’s so much better here. Can’t help with onboarding but you’ll get used to it. Oh and I’d recommend you use voyager app for browsing if you don’t know already
Thankfully literally no one but you cares what you think, and the protests are intended to affect the finances of those in power so they eventually cave and make better decisions for the planet despite the cost. I’d recommend trying some self reflection before you end up with as many people that hate you as you have downvotes on this thread.
Ask them about the suffragettes then
Tbf you clearly need more schooling to learn the effective use of protest throughout history, and how those rights have been fought for, and how they’re being eroded in real time whilst utter morons like you enable it through rhetoric.
Someone please educate this fucker
It really should come with a health warning like that.
Curdled mammary secretions of a tortured mother
Because they’re antisemites ofc
Sounding like a vegan before they’ve realised
It’s like any technology we can dream of would still not solve the problem of the current system. It’s so disheartening seeing apparent solutions gatekept by capital interests
No no, billionaires are the only ethical source of meat
This is interesting to me as a complete outsider to these elections, but having known ‘coconut’ to be used as a slur against non-white ethnicities who act the same as the average white oppressors of history despite us presuming them to know better. Coconut ie 🥥 brown on the outside white on the inside…. This is something mentioned a bunch in the recent uk elections especially with the whole Palestine situation happening
Clearly this is a different reference judging from other comments here but thought it was interesting. Don’t suppose they’re trying to reclaim the word before it’s used against them.
As long as I’ve got the high score I’m thrilled
I like to muse on the idea of an afterlife, being that I’m not religious. I’d like to think maybe every life is just an expression of the universe and that we are all the same; and that same either experiences things outside of our existence or understanding, or we simply resume experience but elsewhere, kinda like reincarnation. I’d also like to think we’re all from a higher dimension experiencing reality as if it’s an episode on Netflix, or like the game Roy from Rick and Morty, that would be fun.
I guess kintsugi maybe an example
As an ex meat eater, this is what made me eventually go vegan
I saw how you titled that link why did I click on it…
I mean the signs were there, starting a no women allowed club with your friends and calling it “Proud Boys” tbh it’s entirely our fault for not seeing this coming
Whispern’t words of wisdom
Don’t you remember all the comparisons of ISIS vs MAGA? lol
Ohhh so that’s why I was told I’ll never be able to retire, because I can’t afford a car! Makes sense now
How much of this resistance is down to feeding livestock antibiotics compared to doctors over-prescribing to people, or what is the cause do you know? Is there any way to slow down the rate?
The blindboy podcast!