Even you don’t believe that.
Nobody here is going to play along, so I don’t even know what you think you’re doing. Getting “persecution points?”
If only your mother would have loved you then you wouldn’t be craving my attention so badly.
Let me be perfectly clear: I don’t give a fuck what a fascist troll parrots from the brainwormed “thought” leaders that know he’ll gleefully guzzle gallons of garbage for the mere hope of tasting of Elon Musk’s grundle.
Now piss off.
Do we really need this comment in every single thread?
Even ones that don’t use the word “slammed” in the headline?
You still hear a prison rape joke every now and then.
Like it’s hilarious that we let wards of the State get tortured by other inmates, presumably because they “deserve” it.
Not a thought to “hmm, maybe if we’re essentially sentencing someone to be raped then there’s a systemic problem to be addressed,” and often times “why do you love criminals so much” if you voice an opinion contrary to the accepted wisdom that they had it coming.
Yeah, corporate media is definitely “the left.” 🙄
I didn’t know that, but it makes so much sense.
Hilarious Chaos seems to be comprised entirely of edgelord trolls who think 00’s era bigotry is the height of comedy.
I don’t believe you’ve ever read a book.
So that’s a pretty good joke!
Wow. You’re pretty clever, buddy.
Maybe pick up a joke book for kids or something accessible like that.
Ooh, a repeat!
Guess you really only know the one joke.
What’s the matter, couldn’t think of your own joke?
Lazy ass trolls these days.
Wow that was pretty clever.
Is that what your wife said when she left? I know you didn’t think of it yourself.
Ignorance is bliss, as they say.
I can’t wait for that void to smile back at ya!
I know right? Yet you’re still here.
No, I meant life.
As an American, most of us want you to leave.
I’m sorry you had to go through that, it must have been so hard on you.
Other people’s self-determination really pisses me off too. How long do you think we’ll have to wait until Daddy makes those meanies stop asking us to treat them with the respect and dignity afforded to most other human beings?