As long as the other 18 characters are randomly generated that seems secure enough, and a decent way to keep track of which passwords are associated with which accounts.
As long as the other 18 characters are randomly generated that seems secure enough, and a decent way to keep track of which passwords are associated with which accounts.
That’s very interesting. I wonder if active prediction and control of instabilities like that will be necessary, or if fusion reactors can be made more stable. I guess time will tell.
Or just… Stay on Windows 10? There’s nothing wrong with it compared to Windows 11 (though Linux is usually a better choice).
Fair enough lol.
Neither of those are valid TLDs.
wine has problems with a lot of games unfortunately, especially ones with any sort of anticheat.
It breaks down china.
Any recommendations for a fairly cheap one? It would definitely come in handy.
Yeah, I have a 64GB phone and I’ve run out of storage a few times, but when I do I just copy my older photos and videos off to free up a bunch of space.
I’ve noticed YT seems to be loading a bit slower than normal, but it still takes less than a few seconds so I don’t really mind.
That’s great for a second try, good job!
Nothing humanity has done will survive.
I wouldn’t say nothing, after all we’ve sent a bunch of stuff speeding out of the Solar System and will probably send more in the future.
Pay the scientists a bunch of money to pretend the answer is “no”.
My city is expecting the first rainy Christmas in recorded history. The Earth is so screwed.
Very cool, I didn’t know a toggleable superconductor was even possible. With all this research into superconductivity it’s only a matter of time before a room-temperature superconductor is found.
Apparently so, they’re more intelligent than I realized.
There are some fish though probably.
Another option for the even more security-minded is to physically disable the radios.
Give it another 20 years, maybe it’ll only be 15 years away then!
Wow I didn’t know that was uncommon, it happens to me too. I don’t have any clue what causes it unfortunately.