I’ve seen a few mentions of positive output in the last few years.
I’ve seen a few mentions of positive output in the last few years.
If you are getting super dehydrated overnight you might be diabetic, might want to get checked.
(Thats how I found out I was diabetic… that and the leg/foot cramps.)
haven’t seen that term in decades.
Dude, same.
I don’t wear much pink, but I paint my nails, I color my beard non-standard colors (I look great in purple).
Completely straight, never once had an interest in the same gender. I often accompany friends to drag shows and gay bars and I have a blast.
I’ve tried a few things and all have ended up dead ends… I’m stuck :(
Love Calling, its actually my ringtone :D
Haven’t seen it mentioned here, but my favorite game of all time is one that is Rarely mentioned - if ever,
The World Ends With You, originally for the DS, now on Switch.
MC Neku has 7 days to figure out wtf is going on in The Reaper’s Game, but he can’t remember anything.
Fun combat mechanics, the DS version had you fighting 2 combat encounters at the same time, one on the top screen, and the main one on the bottom screen. The sound track was amazing! I still have multiple soundbytes from that game as ringtones.
Def one of my all time favorites.
would this be an appropriate time for a “Ur Mom” mention?
Unrelated to the article:
I read this title as “Fascifacts” instead of “Facists”…
I think that instead of calling it fake news, we should start calling it “Fascifacts.”
The thumbnail makes it look like he’s surrounded by clansmen…
I had to open it just to make sure.
Just call yourself a silly goose.
all I’ve got is blue and darkish gold.
100%, I hate matchmaking. Give me old school server selections. Some of the best times I had in PvP was in Gears of War 1, where I’d get my teeth repeatedly kicked in by the same group of people and LEARN from what they did.
“If I dodge this way instead of this way its more effective.” “They never use this specific weapon I like, maybe it actually sucks.”
You don’t get that in matchmaking because you never see the same people again, you can’t learn from those more skilled at the game because of this. Unless I go watch youtube videos of people playing it that are better than me, I don’t get that sense of immersion. I hate watching videos of other people playing, I’d rather jump in, and study my enemy in a live environment.
We’ve a weekly game night with a few friends. We mostly play survival crafters, because that’s about the only co-op experience we can find anymore…
That said, we’re doing a private server run-through of Barotrauma that promises to be fun.
Thats exactly what it is, mobile gaming showed up with its microtransactions and proved its model was vastly more profitable, and so the downhill slide began.
I hate matchmaking so much!!! Its such a garbage mechanic. Let me pick a server to play against/with the same dozen people over and over. Some of the best impromptu friendships I’ve ever had were from server based PvP, because I could encounter the same people over and over.
Pay to win models are shit. Much prefer twitch/skill based models where you can’t apply currency to anything mechanical.
Aha, thank you for clarifying. Not my area of expertise, did not know the difference.