Is this a colloquialism for cum?
Is this a colloquialism for cum?
Poland is paying for Star Link terminal connectivity in Ukraine on a commercial contract with the company. Star Link would need to cancel a commercial contract with Polish to do this. They have no particular reason and it would likely piss off shareholders since they’re turning down money for their service for a political reason.
That name makes it seem like some kind of white power racist group. Like stormer, which got shut down a while ago.
“come up for some coffee?”
“No. I don’t drink coffee this late. I wouldn’t sleep all night.”
Did Boeing build this thing?
I thought they were shaming the guy for being too weak to hoist her up there…
It’s still better to hear this lying message and then be kicked off than when they have you talk to the robot that tries to understand what you want but can’t and then ends up telling you what movies are playing right now in Singapore for some reason.
So the length of the queue is the expected average, right? Then, if you fall off that you are therefore the above average call in the message… except the length of the queue probably doesn’t actually much to do with any kind of average of the number of calls.
It sounds like something that happens regularly during an update to software with a lot of users.
Kibble is nutritionally balanced.