And no one was ever surprised, except for people stupid enough to buy anything from Muskmelon in the first place.
Amateur photographer. Mostly I take photos of birds, but also stuff that isn’t birds. Don’t steal my photos.
And no one was ever surprised, except for people stupid enough to buy anything from Muskmelon in the first place.
Good. Productivity killed the planet.
Except in the US. We don’t enforce those laws here.
anarchy is the system to which a mature and sovereign society automatically converges, but for this current humanity is still too young as specie, the evolutionary state can be compared with that of a child in puberty, regarding behavior.
This is completely made up nonsense. There’s a reason no one takes anarchists seriously.
The system you describe cannot exist. An anarchist or libertarian state in the real world can neither regulate nor defend itself from other states. It’s a fantasy that would collapse immediately upon implementation in all possible real world circumstances.
Communism and socialism are completely different things. At least learn what they are before spouting nonsense about them
Maybe if you havea heath condition that makes your hands thrash around uncontrollably, but then you shouldn’t be driving in the first place.
They may not be happy, but neither are many of the rest of us. The difference is that they have the resources to be comfortable and healthy during their misery. 2/3 of us live paycheck-to-paycheck and can barely, or just flat out can’t, afford basic things like healthcare or maintenance on the vehicles we’re usually required to own to survive.
Being poor is not better than being rich, and only sheltered middle class morons seem to think it is.
I’m not sure why you’re asduming that because I can see what he cares about, it must be all I care about too.
He absolutely will sleep fine; he doesn’t give a fuck about reddit or its communities. He never did. It was only ever about money. Yeah, it sucks what he’s done, but pretending he’s the loser in this situation when he’s going to live out his days in luxury and comfort while we’ve lost our communities and will always be stuck in the grind supporting the lifestyles of him and his ilk is embarrassingly delusional.
He’s cashing out with more money than he’ll be able to spend in his lifetime. Yeah, what a fucking rube.
How did he mess up? He’s cashing out and burning the place down behind him. This is all standard practice in vulture capitalism. It happens every day, but you don’t see or care because most of the companies it happens to aren’t centered around a social platform you spend all your free time on.
It won’t even if he does. Trump isn’t the cause, he’s a symptom. The US is probably not going to survive as a unified nation for very long, and honestly, it probably shouldn’t.
Yeah, let’s get people to come here by not telling them about it. Solid plan.
That’s not the theater experience he gets, though. When people like him go to the theater, they’re surrounded by their colleagues jerking themselves and each other off to their performances, not a gaggle of commoners.
In reality, just allowing things to flow the way they will and going with it is a much less stressful existence.
Or it would be, if you weren’t still surrounded by brain dead shitheels operating massive deadly weapons like they’re in a fucking demo derby.
Part of the point maternity leave is to allow time to physically recover from having your body ripped open. The baby being stillborn doesn’t make the birthing process any less horrifically damaging to the body.
Unless you’re literally starving to death, spam never has a positive impact on your diet. It’s basically just salt, gelatin, and connective tissue scraped off the bone. Adding extreme quantities of salt to an item that already has extreme quantities of salt is awful nutritional advice, no matter how small the budget.
“Essential worker” just means non-union poors, realistically. If you’ve got no leverage and don’t make enough to have any savings, you are required to continue going to work no matter what happens.
You mean the innovation that’s destroying the planet? Ok bro.
That’s honestly an insult to terrible engineers.
Musk is barely on par with a 9-year-old with crayons and construction paper.