I mean I don’t actually have a spare few hundred bucks lying around so if I wasn’t just trying to make fun of Elon for losing half his car money then I would have to wait anyway.
I mean I don’t actually have a spare few hundred bucks lying around so if I wasn’t just trying to make fun of Elon for losing half his car money then I would have to wait anyway.
Well obviously I’m also planning on him dying. I thought that was a given. No way this man lives to see the end up the decade.
Dude I fuckin reverse snorted and accidentally blew a bunch of snot into my mustache because of this.
I wouldn’t bet a dollar on Musk, but I am tempted to buy stock while it’s on a 50% discount in preparation for when they (hopefully) oust him and the company takes back off and becomes a beloved car manufacturer (heavy hoping).
Says the guy who doesn’t laugh when raping babies. Hypocrite. That’s right, it was MEEEEE jeering you on while wearing the head of a freshly slaughtered buck deer. You’re disgusting, you gay joke making serious guy. Can’t believe you’re this way after how your mother and I raised you.
I think they mean gay as in gay men. A lot of people see gay as strictly masculine and lesbian as strictly feminine.
Which is ironic cause it should kinda be the other way around depending on your point of reference
I’ll be honest with you I don’t even know what I was trying to say originally I just wanted to make that masculine/feminine joke
Not really but that would be hilarious
Lesbians. Hate that they aren’t into me, but damnit I get it.
Damn too bad I ain’t paying shit
Trolling is a art.
I’ve got underwear older than this cat meme
I guess you could hire a guy. That would only push the effort to another. Unless you found a guy who was, like, into cleaning floors. But then you’d have the weigh the effort of dealing with a floor pervert vs just doing the floor yourself.
Could just leave it dirty as well, so there are options.
We build you till nothing remains.
The egg cracks and the truth will emerge out of you.
You are home.
You remind us of home.
You’ve taken your boss with your boss with you.
All hair must be eaten.
Pfft. You haven’t lived until you’ve made your own knockoff LSD out of untreated morning glory seeds, pure grain alcohol, and ether from a can of starter fluid.
(just playin’ with that last part; it just made me chuckle to be mean about hallucinogens making me retarded)
No problem :-)
I wish there was an easier way, but honestly the best I’ve found is just lots of fresh water, a sponge mop, and patience :-/
Residential maintenance man here. Best thing I’ve found is a damp sponge mop, and near-constant rinsing in fresh water. Take it a couple feet at a time, and make sure to clean and drain your mop between squeegeeing otherwise you’ll end up with gray streaks. You really just want your sponge mop to be just damp enough to wet the floor. You don’t want standing water.
“Got a match?”
“Yeah, my ass and your face.”
“O… okay. :-D”
When the loser is a conservative, then they’re supposed to be a winner. When the loser isn’t conservative, they’re not supposed to get a helping hand because they aren’t human.