IF they also had a hobby of reloading bullets, that fine black powder might be easy to clean up with just one match… of course, it will just make a bigger mess to clean up.
IF they also had a hobby of reloading bullets, that fine black powder might be easy to clean up with just one match… of course, it will just make a bigger mess to clean up.
Had the same thing happened to me. Bought a house that the previous owners were chain smokers. Spent all day getting the kitchen painted a nice brick red. Left to go get supper. Came back to the same beige walls from before painting. All of the paint had slipped down and off the walls. Great mess to clean up and start all over.
Those curtains aren’t beige naturally. They started out snow white, but 17 years of 2 people smoking 3 packs a day with all the doors and windows tightly shut will do that.
Why is that cop pestering Skelly? Skelly is white after all… but seriously… I guarantee the perp had at least Most of a skeleton so he/she/it does fit the description.
Land Shark!!!
The only sad part about Weasley leaving was that it didn’t happen in the first episode
I have this shirt. It was a gift. The very first time I wore it was to work. I’m subtle like that…
Sometimes it’s also their last diamondback
Sounds like the “undercover spy gear” that was popular for a while. I think there was a cigarette case that folded open and became a gun and, of course, the ink pen telescope plus the ink pen with disappearing ink! And several others as well. It was weird… we all played outside using our imagination to create fabulous worlds in the same backyard that was a grand prix track yesterday and an undersea exploration spot the day before that. A stick was a horse one minute, a cane the next, a rifle after that , and a baseball bat… hitting home runs with the bases loaded, winning the world series. Those black walnuts would sail when you made good contact!
Look… ok… it’s right there in my name…old. LOL
Now now now… don’t let facts get in the way of feelings…somebody’s gonna cry
I swear, honey, I thought you said you wanted a glass jewelry counter. I distinctly remember how hard and cold the glass was when you told me that you wanted one…
My life.
Dude, it’s been 10 years… she’s definitely interested. Probably.
Make up some bogus tiktok challenge with a list of questions she has to answer. Slip: “Do you like me?” In the middle of the list.
Make sure to video it with your phone so it looks legit for tiktok… but really, you can study her response to dylm? over and over for years to come looking for clues to if she really does like you.
It’s still a coin toss. She may just be nice.
They’re free to die however they choose. Or however death chooses them.
They’ll all be there with thoughts and prayers… and apparently claps. I mean, I know that’s what “I” do whenever someone wants money from me… I’ll think about them, pray I’m never in that circumstance, and clap for them. Seems to help.
That’s sarcasm… for anyone instantly seething and spitting foam.
The awkward silence is because they know that clapping is not doing anything useful.
Hi! I’m Guy Weinerman. I always had trouble striking up conversations with strangers until that fateful day I made a fantastic discovery! For the low low sum of $49.95 I can teach you what I discovered.
I volunteer as tribute!
I’m always UP for an escort.
Especially if she’s a long legged redhead.
UMMMmmmm what do you mean not “that” type of escort???
Having been abducted by aliens myself and having sired offspring, I believe that this would be a good match! We shall vanquish our foes.
Pardon me… I speak motorboat.