I saw the Apple Intelligence presentation that reads user emails and SMS like it reads everything and categorizes which is more important to you… and people take that?
I saw the Apple Intelligence presentation that reads user emails and SMS like it reads everything and categorizes which is more important to you… and people take that?
Very close to a standing ovation
A perfect 5/7.
I don’t know why people downvoted you. You seem so credible, like 5/7 I would believe you.
I scotch-taped it on my desk, I’m looking at it right now…
I really like it too. Just some part are like wait that’s happened before…
IIRC that alien who cut him also asked a god to resurrect him. The one who got resurrected realised if he just practiced for 2 more days he also can have a golden version of himself…
IMHO… DB Super is a weird recycling stuff from 20-30 years ago DBZ just for this generation of manga fans to see what happened back then
Eternity another vote
What a fu.king weird headline?
It’s winter?
Considering Twilight is a basic shojo manga trope–where the most handsome boys in school fall for the very common-looking girl protagonist. When it’s reversed it’s just a harem trope in Japanese shonen manga…
Working fine on my Oneplus 6 from five years ago
I have a small machine that creates super sonic sound (Sonic Soak), submerge that with the glasses in a bottle with soapy water. Turn on and wait around 3 minutes. You can see stream of dirt particles coming out of small crevices, I don’t think I can reach those with any wipe or cloth. The glasses is super clean after the process. But if I don’t have time and not home I use microfiber cloth
You don’t understand, when it’s only you in that platform, it’s the ultimate privacy.
Using MS Teams for class is the worst… I do not know most of the time where the files in those assignments’ turn-in will end up.
I hook my keyboard and mouse to a USB hub that can switch between two machines.
If both machines are on, they have their own monitors (one is a laptop) and a software (Multiplicity from Stardock) will handle the k&m through network as if it’s a single machine with multiple monitors. Usually the main PC is the primary machine.
If only one machine is on, I switch k&m with a button on the USB hub.
Don’t worry I’m pretty sure he and Adobe CEO have been comparing notes
Are you John Riccitiello the CEO of Unity?
Phewww… I thought I have to buy the iSwipe Pro Max 27 for $1,000 to clean my new iPhone