Forbidden by company policy. Zero tolerance for drugs or alcohol. Federally regulated manufacturing in the US.
I have worked in 6 different manufacturing companies in the US and none of them allow it. Must be a safety and liability thing.
Forbidden by company policy. Zero tolerance for drugs or alcohol. Federally regulated manufacturing in the US.
I have worked in 6 different manufacturing companies in the US and none of them allow it. Must be a safety and liability thing.
Maybe the moisture of the mango strips kept it from browning properly.
I have been collecting shinies in Pokémon Scarlet (140 so far) but my cartridge just died so now I’m beating PLA.
I have read sources in the past that suggest endurance exercise can slow the decline in max HR. If I find them again I will share here.
In my own experience, I have not lost a single bpm in a decade of tracking.
It’s a good starting point at least. Some folks are lower or higher. If you regularly exercise your max is probably higher than estimated. You can definitely test it with an all out workout such as Tabata intervals and use your real max. The formulas will get you close enough until you’ve tested it. You will also find different max HR for different sports; I found I can get an extra 2bpm running vs cycling, either because biking uses fewer muscles or because I was better at it that running.
Many apps will estimate them for you. The general formula for max heart rate is 220-age (if you’re 30, your max is probably around 190 bpm).
From there, the zones are usually calculated as % of max HR. Zone 5 is 90-100, 4 is 80-90, 3 is 70-80, 2 is 60-70, 1 is 50-60.
For our 30yo above, zone 2 would be around 114-133 bpm. That will feel super slow but that is the point, this is something you could do for a while and it should account for about 80% of your total exercise time in a week.
Edit: if you determine through training that your max is different, adjust it accordingly.
Get a heart rate sensor (wrist or chest) and train by heart rate. Most of your cardio should be heart rate zone 2 on the 5 zone scale. This builds your aerobic capacity with minimal damage and can be done almost indefinitely. Harder efforts do more damage and add recovery time so should be limited to about two a week.
If you’re going slow you’re doing it right, it will suck less, and you’re more likely to continue. Your slow speed will get faster over time.
Nice try, Big VX
Heat input is #1 as others have said, but moisture reduction is #2. Make your crust thinner and use fewer toppings or plan to bake that mofo for an hour at a lower temperature.
Ideally any veggie is used sparingly if at all. Browning and cook quality are better if it’s only meat, cheese, and a bit of sauce.
Edgar suit!
I feel like mobile safari is more locked into mobile functionality, less capable of doing “real” browser stuff. I’ve only had an iPhone for a few months and I never felt this limited on android using chrome and Firefox.
I have little need to do that outside of work.
The barriers to doing stuff on a phone are mostly artificial. For most quick computer tasks it is faster to do it on a phone even if it takes longer because I have it on me and it is already on, I don’t have to go to the computer and turn it on.
Last PC I bought was a laptop for school in 2020. Now that I graduated, it is a media server. There are only a few things online I can’t do mobile. There was almost nothing I couldn’t do when I had android.
I use a PC for work but am not going to do personal stuff on it.
Do you have a press or do you abuela that shit with a carbon steel pan and rolling stick?
I swore for emphasis in a job interview and got the job! It was definitely a risk but they received the message I was trying to convey so it worked.
Shouting “asparagus” is just as good, neurologically. It’s the action that matters, not the word.
Ceramic pans. Thankfully I only bought one.
That’s 91k a year. That is ballpark reasonable for household income depending on where you live.
I play several a day in an app for the last 10+ years and don’t recall ever guessing. I do sometimes need a hint but the hint is always one of the strategies someone else here linked that I overlooked.