Can you share some screenshots? It sounds like you’re not even reaching the service.
Can you share some screenshots? It sounds like you’re not even reaching the service.
I showed redline to my family who would absolutely hate anime and they asked me for more like it. Unfortunately, there isn’t.
It was a huge pita to get it running, but I have it.
One thing about the WA bridge is that element won’t let me give display names or look up the contact number, so the people in chatting with don’t have names, just “their number (WA)”
Happy birthday!
For backups, I have two drives that are striped and do nightly backups to idrive. I was able to find a containerized version of the console app and I have it run on a schedule from 3-7am.
I use NPM to redirect a domain name to the server with https.
I’m currently using write.as. It’s a pretty bare-bones setup when in single user mode and doesn’t give the kind of list view you might expect for readers - it loads everything onto a single page. I’m considering maybe using Ghost, which is another big name in the federated blogging space. Write.as doesn’t come with comments by default, but I was able to add cactus-comments, but it was a huge PITA because it requires a matrix server.
I do, however, like the minimalist UI aspect of it. You can take a look at mine here. I was also able to get around the list thing by using pinned posts, which stay at the top, so I made an about, a directory, and subscribe pages.
Write.as will post to mastodon under an account that it creates and I have myself on mastodon as a verified owner of the blog site.
I haven’t played it, but is this disco elesium?
is the baby federating?
Becky Chambers wrote 4 books that did a really good job of exploring different species getting by with their differences not just in culture, but also in things like how they speak (one species has 5 vocal chords, so you literally cannot speak their language) or ‘how does publich transit account for different butt shapes?’
But on to your question on pet peeves:
I actually really like the easy access subbed list
I posted an edit to the post on how I i solved it. Your feedback was helpful in the solution!
I think so. One issue i ran in to is that trying to go anywhere would land on the ui page. If I put npm on ports 80/443, then the UI needs to be elsewhere so I can access it. It shouldn’t be too hard, I hope
Daaaaaamn that’s a long list. Saved!
Hmm, i may have to get my admin ui’s off of ports 80/443 and port forward with NPM on those ports instead. The reason I was using nginx on the router was so the server could keep the UI on the normal ports and Nginx elsewhere.
I think then I could remove the router Nginx entries and add the DNS rewrite
There’s an idea. I may play with it tomorrow.bill be back on the road, so I’m not keen on doing too much when I can’t fix it haha. But right now the router is DNS, so when I did traceroute there was only one stop. But it was the SSL termination that got me. I might be able to download the stream module for Nginx. I think if I wanted to be optimal I may have to totally restructure that part…
Edit: thank you for the feedback, you’ve given me something to think about
You got me on to something. It looks like Nginx can be configured for tls passthrough https://serversforhackers.com/c/tcp-load-balancing-with-nginx-ssl-pass-thru
I think you might be right on that. I was originally not wanting to do any port forwarding on the router, but I may have to
So even if I remove the SSL cert lines from the router Nginx config, it seems to be applying the router’s SSL certificate. I commented out some lines to use a certificate for my root domain, but I’d rather NPM handle that, which doesn’t seem to be happening.
that would probably be better as an app, rather than a hosted service.
I run picsur. It’s not an image resizer like that. It’s like Imgur, but self-hosted and can take size arguments as part of the query. I use it to host images for a markdown based blog and keep the sizes under control.
On a side note, I recently started noticing so many sites that use full sized images regardless of the actual size it shows up on screen.