This is extremely well put-together. Much more useable than Thank you for this! It should definitely be included in any guides for getting started with Lemmy.
I thought it was just my social anxiety flaring up when I had new notifications. I never really thought about the fact that I was also avoiding negative replies. It’ll be interesting to see how this goes here.
All hail the tiny, furry, adorable deity
I like the community. I’m hoping that Lemmy doesn’t turn into the cesspool that parts of Reddit became. I do have to refresh the page to see my posts and comments, but I imagine that there are some functional difficulties with scaling the platform to accommodate all of the people coming from Reddit.
As someone who always felt very overshadowed on Reddit, I’m looking forward to contributing more here.
Identity theft is not a joke, Jim!
From what I’m seeing, Lemmy and the Fediverse are going to fill my social needs quite nicely, so I’m not sure if I’ll ever make it back to Reddit.
I have the Unihertz Jelly 2, and I love it. It fits in my front pocket (when I have pockets, bc women aren’t allowed pockets). It’s easier to forget it’s there, which makes me less likely to pull it out constantly.