Troops in Ontario? They’ll never get past the 401. It’s impenetrable
Troops in Ontario? They’ll never get past the 401. It’s impenetrable
1957 Ice Hockey World Championships, Moscow, USSR
Sweden unexpectedly won the tournament against the Soviet Union, and the host country did not have a recording of their national anthem ready to play. The players agreed to sing the anthem in place of a recording, but as they did not know the full lyrics, they instead sang the drinking song “Helan Går”.
Pretty funnty
So the 4D chess move is to fire all the public sector workers so there’s no one to do his nazi deeds. Gotcha.
Jet fuel can’t melt steel beams but a car fire can warp a cybertruck apparently
Jessie and James and Meowth
The one that’s the most fun and made me feel the most powerful is the VSS from STALKER. Learning the bullet drop and managing to head shot a moving target is very satisfying.
That’s a yes, then
Ask me to do a high school level math question. Any question. I will get it wrong.
I’m tempted to watch it but I only watched a clip and I can feel my blood boil.
He’d definitely think nuking Chornobyl would be a good idea.
Hello Future Me on yt does analysis of stories with a bit focus on the Avatar The Last Airbander.
Bob World Builder and Ginny Di are tabletop role playing game (D&D) focused channels but they have some videos on world building and such that I think can apply to developing stories in general.
Accented Cinema and Every Frame a Painting are two channels that focuses on film making, but they break down on what makes stories work as well.
Riloe is a channel I came across recently that has a lot of videos about what makes fps games works. I don’t know if that’s what you’re looking for but it’s a great channel nonetheless lol
But generally more exposure to different works of art cannot be substituted. Watching other’s analysis can get you started on what to look for in other’s works but in the end you have to put the practice in yourself too.
That, like most aspect of art and creativity, is a skill that takes practice. For writing specifically, you’d have to read more books, watch more films, and generally study how others do it. Eventually you’d be able remix all your previous experiences and other people’s work into something new and your own. It may come easier to some compared to others, but with practice everyone can come up with great ideas.
For paintings, at least for me, it’s less of deciding what the art to represent and more like I have something in my mind that I need to get out into the world, and painting is just one way of doing it. It’s less “I want to put something in the oven, but what?” and more like “I want chicken. Should I roast it in the oven or deep fry it?” if that makes sense lol
Gotta check this out after I get home
Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest. What is the charge? A tank? A fully restored tank?
Damn, they’re really desperate to fill the quotas I guess