I’ll take no. 3 please!
I’ll take no. 3 please!
3 is the cutest. But I’ll take no 4 because I’m not going for cute.
So you‘re boring, arrogant and not interested in anything. Gotcha. Still enough to do for somebody like you, no worries:
Okay, you do like cooking. If that’s something you enjoy you might want to improve it. Watch some cooking videos on YouTube. Read some books about it. Experiment a bit. Bring some of it to work for your colleagues that aren’t total morons. No sweat, no pressure, just have a bit of fun.
Okay, so you do sport in your freetime. Good. Maybe set goal for something. If you are into running you could train for a marathon or just for a random sportsevent in your area.
What music do you listening to? Are there concerts of bands you like nearby? Or a bit farther away, giving opportunity for a nice weekend trip? You don’t have to stand right in the middle, you know. Just jam to the music where’s a bit more space around you.
Get a pen and a notebook and write what comes to your mind. Honestly, I can’t stress enough how important that is. Go. Write. Old style analogue. Bring order to your thoughts. Or the opposite, just vomit them on page. As long as you write.
Buy a motorcycle and drive around. With aim or without.
Learn to mix cocktails and or get into whiskeys.
Learn to build a pc and buy the new monster hunter or just some other game you like.
Learn bushcrafting and to wildcamp and sleep in a hammock beneath a tarp in the mountains / down by the river / at the local park.
I wouldn’t recommend it it to somebody else, but: Pay prostitutes for sex. You have money and that’s the most effortless way for sex that requires the least human interaction. No clubbing, no flirting, no dating. Perfect for you.
Visit lost places. Climb on cell towers or building cranes at night and enjoy the view. Go for a night swim. Go rooftopping.
Set a goal to do something crazy every day. Or something kind. Or both.
I would recommend travelling, but I think you’d be still bored and uninterested just at a different place. However I think it can be Eye opening to see how people live somewhere else.
That’s pretty much it. Good luck.
Edit: alternatively post comments with your pr0n alt-account. Live dangerously.
Blonde with big tits on the right.
I can smell this picture, lol. Difficult choice. I’d take any of the brunettes with fat ass on the left I suppose. Or the one with glasses.
Okay Guys, thanks for all the tips. Time to try them out! Wish me luck…
I‘m not, but good to now in case something awakens in me. Thanks for commenting!
Thanks for the recommendation. Yeah, I thought stuff would be probably on discord. The problem is, I really really hate discord.
LOL, they look like clones. But I like it! My choice would be white dress.
Top left.
Blonde in oranges socks, obviously! But number 2 is also a cutie.
All 3 of them are snacks, but I would choose the blonde, she is not only sexy but also cute.
I‘d give lower right a call anytime she wants.
What, nobody chose the the raunchy brunette yet?
I call dibs!
I don’t know, those horrible tattoos make me only hornier.
I’m kinda afraid of what this says about me.
Right, however I admit that left has the nicer Dragonballs.
Right has probably the biggest tits. Middle looks pretty and innocent.
But I would take the selfie Thot, she is probably the sluttiest.