These people have no fucking shame. It’s like they explained what American social media is to a T and then they were like, “but China actually”.
These people have no fucking shame. It’s like they explained what American social media is to a T and then they were like, “but China actually”.
I see that was his real intention all along, huh?
Is this an effort to try to reach out to the Liberals using alternative-family adjacent words?
“I’m poly” might just mean something very different in the future…
He was hiding in a bush presumably waiting for him to come by or something and Secret Service saw his gun pointing out of the bush and shot at him.
Pretty pathetic in my opinion.
They even admitted that there’s a lot of dense cover around and he’d basically be invisible if he didn’t stick his gun out.
I fell for it. But OMG that was hilarious.
https://apnews.com/article/trump-vp-vance-rubio-7c7ba6b99b5f38d2d840ed95b2fdc3e5 AP reports the gunman was killed and an attendee was killed. If we get reasonable answers for who they were it’s safe to say it wasn’t staged.
Fucking practice better if you’re gonna do this. Shesh you only get one attempt…
Remember boys and girls amd non-binaries, both sides of the American political spectrum will say or do anything to get into power. Once there, they will abandon all previous statements and do whatever the fuck they want.
Yeah, when I saw their cheapest car was $10,000 and that would get raised to like 22 grand. I’m thinking that most people would probably still take that over a Model 3 haha
I’m sure your cherry-picked website can find all those people who were picked up by unmarked vehicles during the chaos of 2020.
Some transparency they have…
Ah yes, just proof positive that if you are any mainstream news media, you have to be influenced by the government.
No media attention for independents. Can’t criticize Gaza. Can’t criticize Biden.
At this point, I don’t know if I can trust a media company that actually makes money. Very sad.
It’s amazing when you listen to what the people want, you don’t have to violently beat them.
The only good vertical integration is one that is socialist owned!
Marx is more correct every day.
Shoot, sorry about that comrade. Missinterpreted on my end. Sometimes I fail to see the sarcasm.
Edit: I failed to see the sarcasm in comradsalads post. Sometimes I fail to get out of Reddit mode. Haven’t even been on there in a long time! Keeping this comment for history. Sorry comradesalad!
Is that what’s going on in this case though? Because the prison isn’t claiming that.
A federal judge held a hearing in the Dotson case last week. Al.com reported that the hearing provided no answers about the location of the heart. The lawsuit filed by Dotson’s family contended that the heart might have been retained during a state autopsy with the intention of giving it to the medical school at the University of Alabama at Birmingham for research purposes. Attorneys for the university said that was “bald speculation” and wrote in a court filing that the university did not perform the autopsy and never received any of Dotson’s organs.
So no, the prisoner did not donate their organs to trade off a shorter sentence. That should be easily provable, with documentation and evidence to back it up.
By the way, I’m a communist, I think that morally the best thing would be for organ donations be done by default, and we have an opt-out system. I think that prisoners have rights and should not have their organs taken against their will, but it would be ethically better if there was an opt-out system instead of an opt-in one.
Of course the real issue here is the propaganda from Usonians that China harvests organs from prisoners against their will, while at the same time Usonian prisons are seemingly doing the same thing.
Also also, isn’t it just capitalist garbage that people can trade organs for shorter jail sentences? Like, what the actual fuck? Organ donation rates should absolutely not be determined by how many prisoners we have. That’s fucking disgusting. I absolutely disagree with “no ethical concerns with this course of action” even when someone in prison donates as a trade off.
It’s hilarious to me that the liberals that I know that complain about all the garbage being made in China don’t realize that their favorite stuff is also made in China.
You see these online reviewers spreading signophobia by being like “hey this item is made in China just letting you know”. As if it means anything.
Then they cope so hard when their favorite stuff says “designed in America” or “made in America with global parts” which in reality just means that 99% of it was manufactured offshore and it was only assembled here or they just slapped a label on it. Such bullshit.
Then again most people don’t care. I just know a bunch of liberal douchebags.
In theory you could wait for evidence that this costs them time and effort, or you could do it proactively. In the situation where it doesn’t cost that much, it doesn’t cost you much because it’s literally two buttons. In the situation where it costs them time and effort, well that’s the goal so awesome.
As someone who works as a software developer, I know that not all “automation” is created equal, or set up correctly, or “fully” automated. Considering they give themselves 7 days to do it, they are likely responding in a ticket queue of some sort, so even if it’s not super time consuming, there likely is manual intervention somewhere.
It’s two buttons on our side. It’s worth it to me. Also, this way I can copy down my history somewhere off Reddit, so that I can search it myself without going back there.
my 2c
Nah, he doesn’t care. Between how much he has now, and what he gets in the IPO, he has “fuck you” money now. He knows this is bad publicity, but it won’t matter in the long run.
Capitalism unfortunately does not care about the investors there to support the platform. When 80% of stocks are held by the richest 10%, the market moves according to their desires. Money, money, and more money.
For the military, I’m sure this is a cost-cutting measure. I’m guessing they get to fire some people And make the rest of them work double time, but with AI assisting them.
For the working people, it’s another argument that you can point to to get people radicalized :D