To sum up for anyone finding this later:
Running your own jellyfin server is best and free. Check out the servarr community to get started. Will take a bit of setting up but if you can figure out Lemmy, you can figure this out. I’d personally recommend some kind of Usenet subscription with this but some might prefer to use torrents.
You can do what I do and get an app share where someone else runs the server, downloads everything for you etc and you pay to use their service.
Stremio / Syncler paired with a paid real-debrid account seems like a good solution but you can use torrents if you don’t want to pay anything. This is seriously good and cheaper than an app share. I’m getting rid of my backup app share and using this in its place.
Thanks all!
Amazing thanks for the help I’ll try them later on
Ah that makes sense, shouldn’t be too much hassle to get them in there then if I can find a good source of torrents. What’s the go to place for those?
Thanks so much
Nice, I had a play with this earlier and it seems to work well if you know what you want to watch. Did see a few ‘no results found’ for some obscure shows
Nice so after I posted I went and started setting this up. What provider(s) are you using? I’m using Syncler+ and RD with a Jake something provider. Have seen quite a few ‘no results’ except for newer things and it’s a lot slower than stremio to find links but it does look way nicer.
That’s similar to what I ran before although it was Emby and Usenet (sabnzbd) as I didn’t have access to any decent trackers for torrenting. Was fine just for me but I need to provide more of a Netflix experience for my non tech savvy household and the storage cost would make it painful
Err “we” as inhabitants of the earth and users of the internet I guess. Even if you don’t personally use social media, you are aware that plenty of others do and it has had a very significant impact on many individuals and societies around the world right?
This seems like a sensible take on the subject.
Tbf I think I’d like it more if we had online shopping, cell phones, instant messaging etc but we didn’t have social media as we know it today. Like we stuck with phpbb, Usenet and IRC and didn’t move much more beyond that into Myspace and Facebook
Yeah I managed to get Creatures 3 and Docking Station working fairly recently and really enjoyed my time with them. I was obsessed as a kid.
Quest 2 - I expect you to die 2
Would surely blow their mind
Came here to recommend Severance. Can’t wait for the next season!
This is the main appeal of Lemmy for me after spending some time on it. Comments like this ‘Thanks for explaining that, you’ve cleared things up for me’. Reasonable people having reasonable discussions.
Nope. Great game though
Not sure if they do screen sharing but I’ve seen some buzz around ‘revolt’ recently which is self-hostable.
So they’re people who expressed some kind of opinion / belief and people are worried that they might decide to express those beliefs some more on the thing that they built for everyone to have discussions on?
I’d vote for waiting for 0.18.1 if it’s only a couple more days