You don’t appear to have made a point
You don’t appear to have made a point
There were very few attempts on Hitler’s life
If ≥42 is ‘very few’, what do you consider to be a normal number of assassination attempts?
I’d believe they can drive themselves through a dealership
That’s the one
Why don’t they say ‘well those metal detectors and xray machines are too fancy’
I’m sure they’ll cut maintenance budgets too, it just takes x-ray machines longer to starve
and it’s pretty common for people to buy them by mistake
Or even on purpose, for the many things that don’t care (a lot of electronics, where it has a rectifier, are fine with 110-250V, 50-60Hz)
Conveniently, if any states were to join Canada, they would most likely do so as territories (at least initially), and so would be somewhat politically neutered.
Following the pattern of bisected, which is Latin, 4 through 6 would be quatresected, quinquesected (or cinquesected), and sexected. If you prefer to switch to Greek roots, it’s tetrasected, pentasected, and heptasected; 2 with a Greek root would be disected, but that already means something else.
Comparison to quartered is uglier; 2 is obviously halved, but 3, 5, and 6 are harder. My first instinct was ‘thirded’, but I don’t think so. ‘halved’ ≠ ‘seconded’, and I can’t think of anything that would be to ‘thirded’ as ‘halved’ is to ‘seconded’
European weapons manufacturers
Organized crime exists to make money; the way OpenAI is burning through it, they’re more Disorganized Crime
klanned karenhood
Israel is America’s client state. If Israel magically ceased to exist, America would recreate it, so as to maintain their military position in the region. If America magically ceased to exist, Israel would soon follow.
Though the way things are going, pretty soon they’ll both be more like Belarus
Oh yeah, this would be the modern (read: slightly safer) version
It would have been one of these
Yeah, their client state Israel, as well as Russia and presumably its client state, Belarus
Does he still take questions from journalists? I thought they were only letting sycophants in as ‘press’
Not starving to death, mostly
It would solve America’s antivax issue at least.
Plastic is generally cheaper; for a while there was a misguided push against using paper/cardboard because sAvE tHe TrEeS
You seem to be missing the point