Sorry I couldn’t hear you over the roar of far left political figures doing so much more than everyone else- and by that I mean… Shill Stein’s saying:
“Awwww…. C’mon guys! Be cool!”
Sorry I couldn’t hear you over the roar of far left political figures doing so much more than everyone else- and by that I mean… Shill Stein’s saying:
“Awwww…. C’mon guys! Be cool!”
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lol… so again, you share a link about ONE politically irrelevant clown supporting him, and that’s activism.
I share a link with 14 actual politicians- and it’s nothing.
Again… the next time you think to whine about how no one ever takes any of you seriously, remember how you conducted yourself here.
Just gonna double up on the ad hominem?
No, you didn’t.
So is that all you had to say? Because personal attacks aren’t very productive at all.
Scroll up. I know the desire to White Knight a discussion can be very appealing, but don’t get blinded by your own armour in the process.
AOC, Ilhan Omar, and Rashida Tlaib are democrats… but okay.
Terrorism as defined by the FBI clearly defines property damage as terrorism.
Just because one can make up their own definitions of things, doesn’t obligate everyone else to subscribe to it.
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That woman needs to stay the hell away from open windows.
I’m doing the same thing as you. I’m raising awareness, only I’m using a bad-faith misinformative statement as a platform for it to be seen.
See some of you like to shit on democrats regardless of what they do. Even when they are trying to help
I only call attention to this fact. Nothing more. And the results of the effort should be two-fold:
• One- the credibility of people’s false-accusations are destroyed, and
• Two- their misinformation is outed as such and the actual news is provided.
Ahhh. So let’s see if we can’t get to an understanding here:
Stein, who is entirely irrelevant on a political stage- is saying it was “illegal” is an example of effective action and doing something about it, while:
Democrats in Congress that are demanding his release are doing nothing. This is why no one takes any of you seriously.
There is a reason for that. And it’s because the only people you can prop up are Russian shills, untested nobodies with zero evidence the have any knowledge of politics, and clueless blowhards that just yell at everyone.
Find a viable, believable, and provenly effective candidate and maybe people will vote for them.
Because remember- it’s not OUR job to just blinder vote for a candidate. It’s the party’s job to provide one worth voting for, right?
Yawn…. The finger points ever outward.
Riiiight. I’m sure he’ll be released any day now because…. (checks notes) a bunch of people are shouting at buildings.
What’s even funnier- is the amount of people in the comments here that perfectly illustrate the humor in the post without even understanding why.
Where are the far leftists standing up for him?
It’s hilarious seeing you talk about “scripts” considering that your modlog reads like a cautionary tale on why you shouldn’t just believe everything the cool kid in detention says.
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