Maybe the answer isnt that the prison conditions should be worse, but that law abiding citizens shouldn’t have to scrape and struggle to barely get by.
Maybe the answer isnt that the prison conditions should be worse, but that law abiding citizens shouldn’t have to scrape and struggle to barely get by.
The ozone hole is mostly repaired, because we stopped using CFC’s.
That’s why theyll have to partner with China, where else are they gonna buy American maps??
It’s a wee bit to the stabbers left yeah?
Runs right through the liver iirc (or is the vena cava different?)
I’ve eaten several roadkill deer lol.
Limits what you can do with the meat, but it’s still venison.
Even wounded, I’m willing to believe the pelican just wanted to see if it could.
They love to size things up to see if they’ll fit in their mouth lol.
Cool, its objectively worse for people and society in general though.
Idk bro some opinions just ain’t worth trying to understand.
“Some people don’t deserve basic human rights” is a pretty simple ‘youre probably a piece of shit if you think this’.
I don’t need to “try to understand” that. It’s wrong, and it’s offensive. Validating that stance by treating it as worthy of consideration is just bigotry that you can feel better about.
The ole “this one leaks so just solder another onto the end” trick.
Not sure how a kid of a stockbroker and a marketing exec is at all “working class”
Spend 8 years watching both parties ignote their struggles, and then vote for the one that’s actively promising to make them worse?
Bold move, Cotton.
I guess “default to assuming it’s untrue” wasn’t how I should’ve put it.
If they told me the sky was blue, I wouldn’t say they’re wrong but I’d probably still look up just to be sure.
Uh, no? “An eye for an eye.” is old school ancient.
It was however a limiting statement. When Hammurabi made “an eye for an eye” into law, it meant you couldn’t just go kill a man’s entire family over losing an eye and call it justified.
Hmm yes, to save the democracy one must absolutely kill the democracy. We just have to suspend certain rights and liberties until “the enemy within” is rooted out.
Certainly not fascism.
Wouldn’t we all, but needs must when the devil drives.
Wounded Knee (the second one not the original one) was 1973.
Kent State in '70. The Bonus Army (homeless WWI vets) in the 30s. Blair Mountain (coal miners on strike) and the Tulsa Race Massacre in '21.
Only a half dozen times in the last 100 years or so.
So, considering the stranglehold the two party system has on American politics…what was the right answer?
Vote for a third party candidate, that is systemically prevented from attaining a position?
Yeah the Democratic Party is tragically obsessed with pandering to the right and holding their “moderate” position; but damage control is damage control.
Soft face is exactly what it says, it’s got soft rubber faces, basically just a shrunk down rubber mallet. Use it on things you don’t want to leave marks on.
Double peen is basically just a soft face except one side is like a hard epoxy like material. Harder than the rubber side, still softer than a metal head would be.
You should default to assuming anything Fox says is untrue without a second source to verify. Because legally they can just say whatever they want and aren’t beholden to any type of journalistic standards because they aren’t news.
They have no more credibility than a random social media user.
What this country needs is more pigs being harmed in the name of fun.