You should start a community if there isn’t one. :)
You should start a community if there isn’t one. :)
That’s because Google is not only a shit company, it’s also in Trump’s pocket. They changed the name of the Gulf of Mexico for US users. WTF?
Was attempting to walk over a short trailer ramp (maybe a foot above the ground), caught my flip flop on the ramp grate and fractured by tibia, fibula and ankle. Yea, from a foot off the ground. Never broke anything before and even when I did, I only have this lame story. Haha.
This is a good reminder that you can look up Form 990 for any nonprofit (they are required to submit one), which includes any staff that make over $100k.
Also, it looks like the “salaries” you found are total compensation, which also includes medical and retirement benefits. The CEO’s salary is around $600k, but also got a $300k+ bonus.
People not understanding how zipper merging works.
Good to know it’s ok that my asparagus looks the same in its second year. It’s a little unruly. Haha.
I’m pretty sure your kitty is the reincarnation of my tortie who we lost in January. She looks almost identical. If this is the case, you’re going to love her. She was sassy, but such a loving cat. ❤️
Not surprised. It’s just Meta being Meta and garbling up all yo data so that it can make money from it. Maybe don’t use the app. Try accessing from your mobile browser.
Darknet Diaries - interesting (and mostly first hand) stories about hacking, the dark web, etc. it’s so crazy how some of these hackers (good and bad) get access to data/companies.
Label every seedling. Every single one. I learned the hard way when I accidentally planted mint in my flower garden that completely took over and took many attempts to get rid of.
I cannot speak to any of these, however, I learned that that you should just ask. If you can’t ask, put the “human” first such as people with disabilities or people who are deaf, blind, etc. Latine is another term I’ve heard, but in the community, there are those that like it and those that don’t.
Fun! You should put cardboard down under the beds so the grass doesn’t grow through. :)
To add to what others have said…when you know a little about the person/their likes or dislikes, ChatGPT can be a good starting point. Don’t provide any personal info, but ask if for gift ideas based on the criteria for that person. It might just spark an idea you wouldn’t have thought of. :)
It’s free because they’re harvesting and selling all your data to the highest bidder.
It depends on who you’re talking to. Many people don’t care about saying “guys” as it’s so universal. However, if you’re unsure or meeting new people, that’s where you’d likely want to change it up.
Hey friends! (This can be used for strangers too) What’s happening my peeps? Hello everyone! Hope you both have a good weekend
Or just What’s up? Hiya! Hey [insert their name]
As a “pro gun guy”, I’d be curious on your thoughts about compromise. Allow people to get a gun, but only after taking a gun safety-type course. Like drivers training…you’re essentially getting into a “weapon” that has the potential to kill someone so you have to learn the law and how to drive safely. Same should go for using a gun.
Yea, they were never going to pay for any of that or help in any way.
This is more for a tax preparer, but might be useful in your situation that my organization put together.
Top Questions to Ask a Paid Preparer
How do you determine your fee and how much will it cost?
Are you open and available all year-round?
What is the expected time frame for receiving my completed tax returns after submitting all required documents?
If the Michigan Department of Treasury or IRS contacts me regarding my return, will you be able to assist me?
Will you be signing the tax return as a preparer?
May I see proof of your PTIN?
How is your data protected?
Will I be receiving my refund directly (i.e., through the mail or direct deposit)?
Will you provide me with a copy of my completed tax return and return any original documents I provided?
Are you affiliated with a professional organization?
How do you learn about new tax laws?
*A “no” response to questions 8 & 9 does not necessarily mean that the tax preparer has a lesser ability to properly prepare your tax return.