Ja und die meisten sind wirklich überrascht, dass er ein Kater ist. Auf Englisch heißt Kater Carlos einfach Pete 😅
Ja und die meisten sind wirklich überrascht, dass er ein Kater ist. Auf Englisch heißt Kater Carlos einfach Pete 😅
For those that are curious about OP’s quote
Your penis fucks under age girls high on coke? Oof poor choice of words.
I mean… that was the point of him getting tRump elected.
Man, I miss Cowboy Bebop. What an amazing anime.
I have never heard of thegrayzone, are they out of the UK?
That was supposed to be **isn’t going to.
I fucking hate traitor rapist tRump.
Lmfao… 2028 election 🤣 these people think Trump is going to destroy the constitution and then end elections laugh my fucking ass off!
Edit: **isn’t going to
Thanks for saving me the click ❤️
Well for that to happen Nancy and Chuck have to kick the bucket first
Just some dude with way too much autotune yelling about having white bitches and jewish money.
Holy fuck, that poor woman… I bet she’d take life in prison if it brought her daughter back. That hurts me to the core.
100% they’d call him a marxist communist that wants to force socialisim down their throats.
No. If that were true, then it would mean that there are good Christians out there, but that is simply not the case.
This time Spiderman will be having twins
About time! What a long journey this has been for those poor men. This actually warms my heart a little.
Lmfao your example of American HAVING to learn a new language is Canada requiring English? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Lol again, you’re wrong and an idiot. Language has no color.
I have to resort to insults for stupid people that make dumb accusations about me. Please, quit being so dumb. It’s hurting me and your family (no friends) and everyone that has to be around you.
Edit: “more correcter” says way more about you than you think.
I’m going to say this as nice as I can. You’re not only very wrong, but very ignorant. If you know how to read the comments I’ve said the country. If you weren’t a complete moron you could look through my comment history to see I’m being honest, but then again… you aren’t the brightest.
He’s been saying he’d do it.
Squid, proud of you. I did the same but that was 2 years ago